All Lexington County offices closed Tuesday

Due to the recent rain event, poor road conditions and road closures in Lexington County, the following facility closings are necessary: , Oct. 6. This includes the following offices: •County Libraries •Lexington County Recreations and Aging Commission Offices and Activities •County Judicial Facilities •County Administration offices •Lexington County Judicial Center •Lexington County Magistrate Courts •Solid […]


West Columbia City Council meets at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday

West Columbia City Council will meet Tuesday. The meeting time has been changed to 3:30 pm. Location, City Council Chamber at 200 N. 12th Street West Columbia, Here is the REVISED Agenda 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM 3. INVOCATION 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS BY THE MAYOR 6. PRESENTATIONS AND […]


Cayce City Council will meet 6 p.m., Tuesday, on Fort Congaree Trail

Cayce City Council will meet at 6 p.m., Tuesday.  Cayce City Council will meet Tuesaday ay 6 p.m. Tuesday. The Council Meeting will be held at the Cayce Tennis and Fitness Center at 1120 Fort Congaree Trail. Cayce City Hall is undergoing renovations therefore the remainder of the 2015 Council Meetings will be held at […]


The sun is out, let the drying begin

After days of cloudy skies and rain, the sun rose Tuesday, on a beautiful day,  and it never looked so good. Welcome back.


Springdale crews attempting to collect all garbage, Tuesday

Town of Springdale crews are attempting to collect all garbage Tuesday. Town officials ask that residents put roll carts out as normal. If garbage is not collected today, it will be before the end of the week. Garbage collection is limited by the Lexington County Landfill being closed but the town hopes to have all collections […]


Cayce boil water advisory citywide, roads closed, issues emergency numbers

From the City of Cayce Please remember that our City is under a citywide boil water advisory. As an extra precaution, we are asking that all residents boil their water before using! We are asking that ALL residents please stay off the road today as more rain is coming. If you are an emergency personnel […]


Traffic backed up on I-26, Gervais Street Bridge use limited

Vehicles were backed up for miles in the west bound lane of I-26 Monday morning, as law enforcement personnel diverted traffic off of the interstate at Exit 110 in West Columbia. There are S.C. Department of Transportation  (SCDOT) reports of flooding in the eastbound lane of I-26 too, as the Saluda river was swollen way beyond […]


Traffic backed up on I-26, Gervais Street Bridge use limited

Vehicles were backed up for miles in the west bound lane of I-26 Monday morning, as law enforcement personnel diverted traffic off of the interstate at Exit 110 in West Columbia. There are S.C. Department of Transportation  (SCDOT) reports of flooding in the eastbound lane of I-26 too, as the Saluda river was swollen way beyond […]