Lady Blowfish 12U softball tryouts, Saturday

Lady Blowfish 12U softball tryouts are scheduled for  Saturday (Jan. 9.) Lexington County Lady Blowfish Tryouts are at 10 a.m. Saturday. The tryout will be at 1159 Nazareth Rd. Lexington SC 29073. Field C. For more information contact: Patrick Montgomery- (609) 335-3023 email: [email protected] Also: Twitter and Facebook at Lexington Lady Blowfish The Lexington County […]


Rocketman, Elton John Tribute, is Jan 16 at Koger Center

Tokyo Joe’s ROCKETMAN is an annual show that is A Tribute to Sir Elton John. It’s a benefit presnted by The Woman’s Club of Cayce for the Nancy K. Perry’s Children’s Home. It’s at the Koger Center. Show time is: 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 16. When many people think of Elton John they immediately think […]


House Speaker, Sen. Scott, 6 presidential candidates at forum Saturday

Dr. Ben Carson at MTC in August. He will be at forum, Saturday. Registration- for the general public- is now open for the The Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity. It will be held January 9, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia. It is sponsored by the Lexington County Republican Party. The forum, moderated […]


Brookland project ordinance tabled until Jan. 20

After several voiced opposition, a vote to rezone property for Brookland was tabled, Tuesday. West Columbia City Council was scheduled to vote on an ordinance to rezone four-plus acres at State and Meeting streets. It would be rezoned from commercial to planned unit development (PUD) if the ordinance is passed. But before the final vote […]


City of Cayce’s Water-Sewer Billing Department temporarily relocated

IMPORTANT Water & Sewer Payment Location Information Beginning Wednesday, January 6, the City of Cayce’s Water and Sewer Billing Department will be temporarily re-located to Council Chambers while the city continuea the renovations of City Hall. Council Chambers is located in the center building of the City Hall Complex and there will be signs to […]


8 signed up to speak on Brookland at West Columbia City Council meeting

There are eight people signed up to speak at the West Columbia City Council meeting Tuesday evening. The speakers want to give an opinion on the Brookland development, at the corner of State and Meeting streets, is on the agenda. Several people have signed up to speak about the $60 million project, that is nearing its […]


West Columbia Opens Portions of Riverwalk

West Columbia Opens Portions of Wyman M. “Mac” Rish Riverwalk Park and Amphitheater After Flooding The City of West Columbia  has opened portions of the Wyman M. “Mac” Rish Riverwalk and Amphitheater on Tuesday. The amphitheater and nearby walkways are open for visitors. The park has been closed due to flooding.  West Columbia Public Works […]


Lexington County traffic fatalities up in 2015

There were 46 people killed on Lexington County highways in 2015. That is the highest number of traffic deaths in the county since 2012, when there were 48 killed for the year on the county’s roads. Data is from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS) as of midnight Dec. 28. There have been […]