Fall Rhythm on the River Concert is Friday

The Fall Rhythm on the River Concert Series resumes on Friday, September 18th with The Travelin’ Kine. The opening act is: Cayla Fralick & Lauren Vaughan. The Travelin’ Kine is described as a Red Dirt/Americana group from  Charleston. The Travelin’ Kine is the 2014 City Paper Americana Artist of the […]


Cayce a top city for retirees

The City of Cayce has benefits for retirees. SmartAssets listed Cayce as one of the Most Tax Friendly Places to Retire in South Carolina. The City of Cayce ranks at No. 9 out of 270 cities and towns in the state. The city of Cayce announced the designation in a release Wednesday morning. […]


Earl Williams, former WC mayor, gets early 100th birthday party

The Brookland-Cayce High School alumni threw a 100th birthday party for Mr. Earl Williams, Tuesday. Williams birthday is not until Sept. 27. It will be celebrated at Brookland United Methodist Church in West Columbia. But the Brookland-Cayce alumni group that meets monthly at Ocean View Seafood Restaurant in Cayce presented […]


Ground broken for new Goodwill in West Columbia

Ground was broken Tuesday for a 36,000-sq-ft Goodwill facility on Sunset Boulevard in West Columbia. It will be double the size of the existing the Goodwill store on Meeting Street in West Columbia, according to Pat  , President and CEO of Goodwill Industries Upstate/Midlands South Carolina. The new building, when it’s […]


Phil Carter elected to Cayce City Council

Phil Carter has been elected to Cayce City Council. He is a former Lexington School District 2 Board member.  The special election to fill the unexpired term of City of Cayce District 4 Councilman Tim James was held Tuesday. The polls closed at 7 p.m. Carter and candidates Alex Mowery, […]


Chuck Oree develops career, family feel at West Columbia House of Raeford

Chuck Oree, of House of Raeford, has always been open to opportunities. Twenty-five years ago the plant in West Columbia offered him a job. He took that offer and turned it into a career of distinction. Oree has served his company at every level of management. For the last six […]


Sponsor the West Columbia Police Officers Foundation Golf Tournament

WCPOF Golf Tournament Sponsorships are now available for the West Columbia Police Officers Foundation Golf Tournament. The cost of sponsorships range from $150 to $2,500. Start making plans now. It is the Third Annual Tournament and it’s Oct. 19 at Indian River Golf Club. It’s a shotgun start Captains Choice four […]


Lexington 2 Board to meet, Thursday

The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two will conduct their Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, September 17, at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia.   The proposed Agenda is attached.  Notices and Agendas are also posted on the […]


Woman killed in Gilbert accident is identified

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who was killed in the one-vehicle accident at approximately 10 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 12. The fatal accident occurred in the 700 block of Ben Franklin Road, Gilbert. The woman killed in the wreck was Barbara R. Davis, 58, of Gilbert. Davis, […]


The River District makes West Columbia a destination

The River District members began meeting in early 2015. It is a collection of businesses – dining, retail and services – in the Vista area of West Columbia. Its goal is to draw customers to the unique shops and attractive restaurants that populate an area from State Street to 12th […]