Whetstone, Dufault are Law Enforcement Officers of the Month

Cayce Public Safety Officers Dana Whetstone and Sgt. Paul Dufault were honored as First Community Bank’s Law Enforcement Officers of the Month, at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday morning. Pictured with Whetstone and Dufault is Vaughn Dozier of First Community Bank, Chamber Board Chairman. DuFault was Law Enforcement Officer of the Month for April, […]


Zachary Lara named Student of the of the Month by Chamber

Zachary Lara was named Student of the of the Month at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday morning. He is a student at Brookland-Cayce Grammar School No. 1, in Lexington School District 2. Pictured with Zachary is B-C Grammar Principal Walter Clark.  


Chamber names Jennifer Burgos-Carnes Teacher of the of the Month

Jennifer Burgos-Carnes was named teacher of the of the Month at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday morning. She is a teacher at Brookland-Cayce Grammar School No. 1, in Lexington School district 2. Pictured with Carnes is B-C Grammar Principal Walter Clark.


Lexington 2 reception, School Board meeting, Tuesday

The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two will conduct its Regular Monthly Meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, (Oct. 27) in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia.  The proposed Agenda (posted below)  is  also posted on the District’s website, / Board of Trustees / Board […]


Cayce United Methodist hosts Trunk-or-Treat

It’s less than a week before Halloween, but the people of Cayce United Methodist Church, on 12th Street, welcomed Trick-or-Treaters Sunday evening.                    


Rise Above The Waters delivers day of music after flood

The music was like sunshine, after rain. Several bands played the Rise Above The Waters- Rhythm on the River concert to benefit victims of the October flood.  The event was sponsored by the Central Carolina Community Foundation. It was held on the Brickworks property on Knox-Abbott Drive in Cayce. “We have had a steady stream […]


 Mt. Tabor Lutheran has its Halloween in the Park

Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church in West Columbia held its Halloween in the Park event, Sunday. There was food, candy, games and bouncy  houses for the kids. There was even a mechanical bull. Lots of kids, too.


Springdale working on Master Plan for corridor

The Town of Springdale is partnering with The LandPlan Group South to develop a Master Plan and investigate potential improvements to the Platt Springs Road Corridor. The Town of Springdale will conduct a Platt Springs Road Corridor Study Design Workshop at Springdale Town Hall. The public potion of the session is at 6 p.m., Thursday […]