
Final plans for Taylor, Davis replacement school could come in May

The Lexington 2 School Board approved the design of a new elementary school planned at the Busbee site in Cayce, at its Wednesday meeting. Building site work for the school could be complete by mid-March, and all plans finalized for a May vote, according to Hal Turner of Thompson Turner Construction. The two-story structure on […]


Update: Coroner’s office communicates with friend of deceased woman

The Lexington County Coroner’s Office reports (via Facebook)  that a friend of Debra Lynn Barker has been found. The coroner’s office stated the friend and has agreed to handle arrangements for her. The post from the coroner’s office is below: “I received a call from a friend that Ms. Barker had lived with for some […]


Update: Coroner’s office communicates with friend of deceased woman

The Lexington County Coroner’s Office reports (via Facebook)  that a friend of Debra Lynn Barker has been found. The coroner’s office stated the friend and has agreed to handle arrangements for her. The post from the coroner’s office is below: “I received a call from a friend that Ms. Barker had lived with for some […]


School District 2 studies plan to keep Saluda River and Pineview open

  The Lexington School District 2 Board, at its meeting Wednesday, confirmed a plan that would calculate costs to keep two existing elementary schools in operation. In November, board members expressed concern over the projected traffic problem and enrollment numbers at a new mega-school planned to be built on Henbet Drive. District voters, in 2014, […]


BC Grammar recognized as Palmetto’s Finest finalist

Brookland-Cayce Grammar School No. 1 is a finalist for the Palmetto’s Finest Award. To commemorate its status as finalist for the prestigious award, BC Grammar School No. 1 Principal Walter Clark was given a Certificate of Achievement for the school at the Lexington School Board meeting, Wednesday night. District 2 Superintendent Dr. Bill James presented […]


Man arrested for Wednesday’s Cayce bank robbery

As reported earlier today, at approximately 12:41p.m., officers of the Cayce Department of Public Safety received information that the Bank of America Branch located at 440 Knox Abbott Drive had been robbed. Several officers responded to the scene while others began patrolling the immediate area.   Bank employees gave a description of a male subject […]


Cayce Bank of America on Knox-Abbott robbed, suspect caught

At approximately 12:40 p.m., the City of Cayce Department of Public Safety responded to a call about a bank robbery at the Bank of America located at 440 Knox Abbott Drive. City of Cayce Spokeswoman Ashley Hunter issued a release regarding the robbery at about 1:15 p.m. Units arrived on the scene minutes later and […]


Augsburger gives update on Lexington Medical Center expansion plan

If everything goes to plan, Lexington Medical Center will have its additions completed in 2019. Much of it will be done by the summer of 2018. The West Columbia hospital is adding an eight-story wing, a parking garage and medical office building. Construction on the new tower could begin in May. Other areas are being renovated. […]