West Columbia mayor’s race campaign contributions posted

In the 2015 West Columbia Mayor’s race, challenger Bobby Horton has received donations of $9,875, this election cycle. Horton has spent $9,678.88. His on hand balance is: $196.12 Incumbent Mayor Joe Owens has received contributions of $2,900 this Election cycle. Owens has spent $2,642.16, He has $257.84 on hand. Campaign […]


West Columbia Fire Dept. issues time change, smoke detector reminder

A reminder from the West Columbia Fire Department. Change Your Clocks back an hour, on Nov. 1 (Sunday)  and Change Your Batteries in Your Smoke Detector This Weekend!!!! Be Safe.


Springdale Police adds officers for Halloween

Saturday night is Halloween night. The Springdale Police Department has provided some tips to help you to have a safe and fun night. The Springdale Police Department will have additional officers on shift for the night.


Highway fatality reported in Lexington County

There has been a fatal vehicle accident in Lexington County. It occurred  on Bush River Road, according to the S.C. Highway Patrol. No other details have been released.  The notification of the accident was released at 8:25 a.m., Saturday. The office of Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher investigates traffic fatalities. […]


Airport defeats Brookland-Cayce, 24-14

Airport defeated Brookland-Cayce, 24-14 Friday night at BC. The win gives Airport a second-place finish in the Region V, 3A. Midland Valley defeated Aiken, Friday, to win the conference championship. The score was tied at 14 at the half. Airport scored in the third quarter to go up 21-14. Brookland-Cayce […]


James appointed Lexington 2 Schools superintendent

DR. WILLIAM B. “BILL” JAMES APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT OF LEXINGTON 2 The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. William B. James, Jr. as Superintendent of Lexington County School District Two effective immediately. “The Board is very excited to have Dr. James lead this District” said Bill Bingham, […]


House of Raeford’s FLOCK, a servant to the community

As a business, House of Raeford in West Columbia contributes to the fiscal health of the people who work there. But the company also believes it has a corporate social responsibility. In an effort to lift others, House of Raeford donates thousands of dollars to the community around it. FLOCK  is […]


Ethel Hodge Weaver celebrates her 100th Birthday, Saturday

West Columbia will celebrate a centenarian, Saturday. Ethel (Hodge) Weaver will celebrate 100 years of life on Oct. 31. God has blessed her with three children, 11 Grandchildren, 23 Great grandchildren, and 6 great great grands. Ethel has requested in the place of a big celebration party that her friends and […]


Airport at BC football game Friday will have significant impact

A lot changed for Airport and Brookland-Cayce in one night. All season Airport (8-1 and 3-1 in Region V 3A) had been in perfect position to win the Region V, 3A football crown. Brookland-Cayce (4-5 and 2-2 in Region V 3A) was running out of chances to get into the high […]


Cayce City Council delays, takes action on Bluff Road projects

Cayce City Council delayed a vote to rezone property where Baseball fields are planned; and approved the annexation of property for a truck-servicing travel center. The property discussed at a Wednesday meeting, is off of Bluff Road, at I-77, across the Congaree River. The Palmetto Baseball League requested that its […]