Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Board issues Brookland support letter

The letter (below) from the Cayce-West Columbia Board of Directors was issued, by Chamber CEO Gregg Pinner, Friday afternoon: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce, I would like to express its support for the Estates & Companies proposed Brookland Development in the Meeting & State Street […]


Lexington County detectives seek ID in bank fraud case

Investigators with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department are asking for the public’s help as they work to identify two individuals related to a financial fraud case. Two men presented and attempted to cash a check on Dec. 8 at the First Citizens Bank in the 2800 block of Sunset Boulevard in West Columbia. The two […]


West Columbia issues King Day closing and sanitation schedule

West Columbia Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday Closing and Sanitation Schedule The City of West Columbia City Hall will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 18, 2016. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. The City of West Columbia will not collect garbage, trash or […]


S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis warns against life insurance lobbyists

Curtis Loftis is South Carolina’s Treasurer. He is also a West Columbia native and current resident. He has published a letter regarding insurance companies. The letter is below. Message from Curtis Loftis: Simply put, Big Life Insurance Corporations want to keep your money. Big Life Insurance lobbied the SC Senate to make it harder for you to claim death benefits. […]


Electronics waste recycling drop-off in Springdale, Jan. 16

Lexington County Electronics Waste Recycling Event Scheduled for January Lexington County Solid Waste Management will be hosting an electronics waste recycling event on Saturday, Jan. 16, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The recycling event will be held at the Springdale Baptist Church parking lot located at 357 Wattling Road, West Columbia. The following electronics […]


Estates answers residents’ questions about Brookland development

A pedestrian walkway, parks and skyline views are parts of the Brookland plan. Matt Mundy, representing Estates Co., described the $60-million residential, retail and commercial project proposed for the West Columbia Vista, at State and Meeting Streets. He said it will be “iconic” and visible from the Statehouse. Mundy, and Estates staff, agreed to meet […]


Victory Executive Suites cuts ribbon in West Columbia

Jeanette Johnson-Lowicz, Samantha McNellage, John Wilson, Ashlye Wilkerson, Kobie Wilkerson, Angelyse Henry, Donna Smith and Gregg Pinner were on hand for the ribbon cutting of Victory Executive Suites Thursday. Victory Executive Suites is in the former Agape Senior headquarters at 1053 Center Street in West Columbia. The new business offers furnished offices and suits and large meeting […]


Cayce- West Columbia Dixie Youth Baseball registration is Saturday, Sunday

Cayce- West Columbia Dixie Youth Baseball  C-WC registering in person at Howard Park for 2016 baseball season this weekend. Saturday Jan. 16 from 11-4 and Sunday Jan. 17 from 1-4. Come on down and register or register online at home at Click to register