
Moffatt Street entrance to Riverwalk Closed again

Moffatt Street Section of West Columbia Riverwalk Closed Due to Flooding The Moffatt Street section of the West Columbia Riverwalk has been closed due to flooding, according to Anna M. Huffman, West Columbia Public Information Officer. The Moffatt Street entrance is north of the Gervais Street Bridge near Columbia Farms. The amphitheater and nearby walkways are […]


Park and Ride shooting victim positively identified

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has been able to positively identify the Hispanic male victim who was killed on February 14, at the Park and Ride facility located at 105 Corley Mill Road in Lexington County. Arturo Bravo Santos, 28, of Columbia was shot multiple times in the upper body and died at the scene from the […]


Development company lists Cayce outlet mall as project

EB Development, a mall leasing and management company in Essex, Vermont, is listing a project off of 12th Street Extension in Cayce called “Columbia Capital Outlets” on its website. EB Development represents tenants to existing and prospective outlet properties, according to its website. The website is: Current Projects: From the website: Cayce site listed as outlet […]


Bradley Bingham’s small steps to recovery after horrific accident

The life of Bradley Bingham changed drastically on Oct. 16, 2014. On I-26, on his way back to Lander University, the 18-year-old was hit from behind, and driven into a tree. He was airlifted from the scene. His injuries were so severe there were times Bradley’s family wondered if he would survive. He has not […]


Lexington 2 to recognize Palmetto Gold/Silver at meeting, Thursday

Lexington School District 2 will recognize  its Palmetto Gold/Silver Award Winners for General Performance and/or Closing the Achievement Gap. These schools will be recognized at the Board Meeting on Thursday. The schools being recognized are: Fulmer Middle School: Silver/Silver Busbee Creative Arts Academy: Silver/Silver Pine Ridge Middle School: Silver/Silver Northside Middle School: Gold (performance only) Congaree-Wood Early […]


Hillary Clinton makes stop in West Columbia, Wednesday

Hillary Clinton heralded “the rise of the African-American middle class,” but she said there is “so much left to do.” Clinton, a Democrat, is seeking the nomination of her party to become the presidential nominee. Bernie Sanders is challenging her in South Carolina’s Primary, Saturday. She spoke at Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia, Wednesday […]


District 2’s Dr. Bill James addresses Chamber Breakfast

Dr. Bill James added a business flavor at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce February Breakfast, Tuesday. “We’re a pretty big business,” James said. “And a lot of things have to come together for it all to work well.” James, the superintendent of Lexington School District 2, was the guest speaker at the meeting held […]


Katie Wilkerson is Chamber’s Teacher of the Month

Katie Wilkerson was recognized as the Teacher of the Month at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce February Breakfast, Tuesday. Katie, left, is pictured with Herbert A. Wood Elementary School Principal Nicole Singletary. Katie is a teacher at Wood Elementary School in Pine Ridge. Photo taken by Vickie Lovett, of Pretty Pictures. Guest Speaker at the meeting was […]