West Columbia City Councilman David Moye

Beautification and Improvements to Meeting Street, US-1 Corridor include on-street parking, turn lanes, medians, pedestrian crosswalks, walking-bike lane, and mast-arm traffic signals

The City of West Columbia is excited to announce plans for a major transformation along Meeting Street and the US-1 Corridor. This project aims to support the area’s already established entertainment, retail, and restaurant hub by not only making it visually appealing but creating easier access to shopping, dining, entertainment, and industry. The project will take place […]


West Columbia Mayor and 3 City Council members facing opposition in Nov. 7 election

West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles is facing opposition in the Nov. 7, general election. Melissa Sprouse Browne filed to run against Miles. Filing ended at noon Wednesday in the non-partisan election. West Columbia’s municipal election scheduled for Nov. 7. Also facing opposition is Dist. 4 Councilman Joseph Dickey. Ronnie Lindler is running against him. In […]


West Columbia Mayor and City Council will work to make 2023 a good year for the city’s residents – Some have personal goals, too

It’s a new year and many people see it as a time for a fresh start. You may want to improve on the good things you do or break away from bad habits and rededicate yourself to a more fulfilling and fruitful lifestyle. New Year’s resolutions can work, according to a study published in the […]


West Columbia passes $1.6 million bond issue to fix AC and expand WCPD evidence room, after spirited discussion

West Columbia City Council passed first reading of a bond issue ordinance plan that would allow the City of West Columbia to borrow $1.6 million. The money would be used to replace the heating and air conditioning system at City Hall and to expand the West Columbia Police Department’s over-filled evidence room. The 6-1 vote […]


West Columbia City Council passes budget with millage increase

West Columbia City Council passed final reading of the city’s 2022-2023 budget, Monday, on a 5-4 vote. Mayor Tem Miles, and Council Members Trevor Bedell, Joseph Dickey, Casey Hallman, and Mickey Pringle voted in favor of the of the $21 million budget that contains a tax increase of about $30-a-year on a home with an […]


Obituary – The Reverend Dr. Charles Ward Easley of West Columbia

The Reverend Charles Ward Easley, DD (Pastor Easley) of West Columbia died on May 27, 2022. He celebrated his 91st birthday on Wednesday, May 25. Charles was born to the late Laura Louise Colbert Easley and Lefflette Teed Easley on May 25, 1931 in Georgetown, SC. Pastor Easley graduated from Winyah High School, Newberry College […]


Salon 561 celebrates 1-year anniversary with WECO River District members

Salon 561 at 561 Meeting Street in West Columbia had a one-year celebration celebration, Thursday. Many members of the WECO River District Merchants Association came out to help celebrate the occasion. Light refreshments and drinks were served. Joye Fowler, founder of Salon 561, never shies away from offering suggestions to help keep her clients looking […]


Fire at Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, no one injured

There was a fire at Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, on B Avenue in West Columbia, Friday afternoon. No one was injured. Mt. Tabor Pastor Wade Roof recorded a video for Facebook and posted it Friday afternoon. Click here to see video “We got a call today that there was a fire in our assembly room,” […]