West Columbia City Councilman David Moye

New West Columbia Newsletter has updates from Mayor Tem Miles, Council members and articles about: Kinetic Derby Day, Ed’s Editions and Sunset Pharmacy

The New West Columbia Newsletter for February and March includes updates from Mayor Tem Miles and City Council members. Click here for link to new West Columbia NewsletterThe newest edition also contains articles about: Kinetic Derby Day, Ed’s Editions and Sunset Pharmacy.


Partial eclipse evident in West Columbia, Monday afternoon

A total solar eclipse occurred on Monday. It was visible across some North American states. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun and obscures the Sun’s image from Earth. There was a “substantial partial eclipse” in West Columbia, according to West Columbia City Councilman David Moye. The skies became […]


New West Columbia Newsletter has updates from Mayor Tem Miles and Council members, and an interview with Black Rooster’s Kristian Niemi – Scratch N’ Spin, Vivid Finish and Film

The New West Columbia Newsletter for February and March includes updates from Mayor Tem Miles and City Council members. The newest edition also contains an interview with Black Rooster’s Kristian Niemi. The restaurant switched over and now serves Italian food. There are also articles on Scratch N’ Spin record store in Triangle City and a […]


HOTWORX high-intensity workout cuts the ribbon at 115 State St. in West Columbia

The Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber sponsored a Ribbon Cutting Tuesday morning at HOTWORX at 114 State St., City of West Columbia. West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles welcomed the new high-intensity physical workout facility to the revitalized “heart and center of town” where there is a “high level of energy.” Owner Tara Johns said she and […]


City of West Columbia releases Newsletter featuring West Columbia Christmas events, Bill’s Pickin’ Parlor and Mid-Carolina Marine

The December-January edition of the City of West Columbia’s Newsletter has been relesed.It features updates from Mayor Tem Miles and West Columbia City Council members. Also featured are: West Columbia Christmas events, Bill’s Pickin’ Parlor and Midland MarineClick here for a link


West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles and Council Members Trevor Bedell, Joseph Dickey, David Moye, Jimmy Brooks, and Sarah Mattern sworn-in by Sen. Nikki Setzler

West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles and Council Members Trevor Bedell, Joseph Dickey, David Moye, Jimmy Brooks, and Sarah Mattern, supported by members of their families, took the oath of office reads by State Senator Nikki Setzler at a West Columbia City Council Meeting, Tuesday. Click for City of West Columbia Link here All were elected […]


Cayce-West Columbia Chamber members, staff and supporters relish “Chamber-of-the-Year” award

Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce members, Board members and staff took a bow Tuesday during the Cayce-West Columbia morning Chamber Business Meeting at Stone River in West Columbia. Last Thursday, the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce was recognized as the Carolinas (South Carolina and North Carolina) Outstanding Chamber of the Year (Under 700 Members) […]


West Columbia is a “Smart Investment” according to revitalization specialist reviewing the city’s 5-Year Redevelopment Plan

In 2018, the City of West Columbia initiated a Redevelopment and Revitalization Plan. At Monday’s City Council meeting, Kim Briesemeister, principal at Redevelopment Management Associates, delivered an analysis regarding the success of that plan. Briesemeister, who works with cities to promote economic activity and improve quality of life, said the City of West Columbia has […]