House of Raeford’s FLOCK, a servant to the community

As a business, House of Raeford in West Columbia contributes to the fiscal health of the people who work there. But the company also believes it has a corporate social responsibility. In an effort to lift others, House of Raeford donates thousands of dollars to the community around it. FLOCK  is an arm of House Of Raeford, […]


James appointed Lexington 2 Schools superintendent

DR. WILLIAM B. “BILL” JAMES APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT OF LEXINGTON 2 The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. William B. James, Jr. as Superintendent of Lexington County School District Two effective immediately. “The Board is very excited to have Dr. James lead this District” said Bill Bingham, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. […]


Airport at BC football game Friday will have significant impact

A lot changed for Airport and Brookland-Cayce in one night. All season Airport (8-1 and 3-1 in Region V 3A) had been in perfect position to win the Region V, 3A football crown. Brookland-Cayce (4-5 and 2-2 in Region V 3A) was running out of chances to get into the high school football playoffs. But last […]


County Councilman Ned Tolar holds Constituent Service Night

Lexington County Councilman Ned Tolar held his first Constituent Service Night on Wednesday. Constituents were invited to Carolina Cafe in West Columbia, share their views on issues facing the county and constituent serice matters. Tolar will hold a similar Constituent Service Night for the western end of his district later this fall. Tolar’s district stretches from West […]


Lexington Two Board meetings could be streamed on the Internet

Lexington School District Two, at its meeting Tuesday, moved forward with a plan to stream Board meetings on the Internet. Board Member Beth Branham said “a lot of districts are doing this,” and live streaming the meetings  should be possible without much expense. The Board agreed to look into live streaming the meetings. “I am am […]


Cayce City Council delays, takes action on Bluff Road projects

Cayce City Council delayed a vote to rezone property where Baseball fields are planned; and approved the annexation of property for a truck-servicing travel center. The property discussed at a Wednesday meeting, is off of Bluff Road, at I-77, across the Congaree River. The Palmetto Baseball League requested that its property be rezoned to C-4. […]


Lexington 2 approves two flood make-up days

Lexington School District 2 voted to use Nov. 11 and Jan. 16 as make-up days. District 2 students missed school on days beginning on Oct. 5. One of those days has already been made up, on Oct. 16, a day students were scheduled to be out of school. Instead school was in session. At the […]


Plans presented for elementary school on Busbee site, Cayce

Tentative and fresh plans for the  new, two-story Lexington School District 2 elementary school on 12th Street Extension in Cayce were made public, Tuesday. Architect Todd Sease of Carter, Jumper, Sease, showed renderings at the Lexington 2 School Board meeting. “These are very early sketches. We’ll continue to develop it,” Sease said. The enrollment for the […]