Gervais Street Bridge

Portion of West Columbia Riverwalk Closed Due to Flooding

The portion of the West Columbia Riverwalk from Moffatt Street to the Gervais Street Bridge is temporarily closed to the public due to flooding.


UPDATE: Dominion Energy has begun draining water from cofferdam on the Congaree River

The cofferdam has been built and water is being pumped from the area of the first cofferdam on the Congaree River. The cofferdam was constructed at the Gervais Street Bridge. The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control has provided an update. As of late August, Dominion Energy has:Completed the rock cofferdam for Area 1 […]


Summer ends soon, but you can still enjoy West Columbia

The first week of August is behind us, but you still have time to enjoy one last blast of summer fun. “We’re putting people in the water seven days a week, and we will be until Labor Day,” said Michael Mayo. He owns Palmetto Outdoor, the outfitter that conducts tubing trips on the Congaree River, […]


First stage of cofferdam on the Congaree River is complete

Work on the Area 1 cofferdam on the Congaree River, near the Gervais Street Bridge, is coming along.The first stage of the cofferdam is complete. Dominion Energy is damming the river in order to clean tar from the bottom of the river. In June an Unexploded Ordnance Diving Team from Tetra Tech arrived to clear […]


A Most Magnificent Mile – Take a Summer Day Trip to West Columbia’s Beautiful and Natural Riverwalk

Are you looking for a unique summer day trip? West Columbia’s  Riverwalk may be the perfect destination for you. It provides a wonderful and educational record of the development of the area. Riverwalk is a wooded trail that runs parallel to the ancient flowing waters of the Congaree River. Riverwalk is something of a museum […]


Congaree Riverkeeper reports outline of cofferdam on the Congaree River is complete

The initial footprint of the cofferdam on the Congaree River has been completed. The site is near the Gervais Street Bridge where crews are preparing the area to clean up coal tar, deposited decades ago, from the bottom of the river. According to the Congaree Riverkeeper “the contractor will continue to build up the dam […]


Cofferdams on the Congaree River are beginning to take shape

The effort to build two cofferdams on the Congaree River is taking shape. If you ride across the Gervais Street Bridge, you can see it. Dominion Energy has contracted a company to build the cofferdams so that coal tar from long-closed oil plant can be cleaned from the river bottom. The work site is on […]


Coffer dams to be built on the Congaree River to remove tar, Civil War artifact discovery is possible

The process to clean up the coal tar in the Congagree River has begun. Dominion Energy has contracted a company to build two coffer dams on the Columbia side of the river. The first coffer dam will be built across from the West Columbia Riverwalk Amphitheater. Roads and a workspace are being installed now close […]