Busbee Creative Arts Academy

Nearly 260 Lexington 2 students are performing in district-wide Choral Clinics

Nearly 260 choral students from Lexington Two schools are performing in March and April as part of district-wide Choral Clinics.  Roughly 133 elementary school students, in third through fifth grades, participated in the Lexington Two Choral Clinic on Thursday, March 16. The students performed in concert after a day of rehearsal under the guidance of […]


Busbee Creative Arts Academy Girls Volleyball team honored by Cayce City Council

Cayce Council honored the Cyril B. Busbee Creative Arts Academy Girls Volleyball team, Wednesday at the council meeting. The team led council in the pledge tonight. the team is the 2022 Eastern Division Champs. Under their Coach, Lt. McCord from the City of Cayce Police Department, the team had only one loss all season and […]


52 middle school students selected to Lexington 2 Honors Orchestra

Fifty-two Lexington Two middle school students have been selected to the Lexington Two Honors Orchestra. The district-wide Honors Orchestra, in its first year, participated in a clinic earlier this month, working with orchestra clinician Brent Wilson, who served as Richland 2’s orchestra director for more than 30 years. Wilson has directed regional and state orchestras, […]


Nearly 70 middle and high school musicians selected for the 2022-23 Lexington 2 Honor Band

Nearly 70 middle and high school musicians have been selected for the 2022-2023 Lexington Two Honor Band. It’s the Honor Band’s fourth year for middle school students, who auditioned for a seat and will now have the opportunity to work with Daryl Byrd, band director at Crayton Middle School and the Richland 1 Lead Band […]


Veteran’s Day is Friday, lots of events in West Columbia to honor our veterans, especially in our schools

Friday is Veteran’s Day and there are lots of local activities scheduled to honor those who have served in our military. In 1919, November 11 was proclaimed as the first commemoration to honor the soldiers who fought in World War I. The day was originally known as Armistice Day. Nov. 11 became a federal holiday […]


Brookland-Cayce archery team, Busbee archer earn trip to National tournament

By Dawn Kujawa – Congratulations to the Brookland-Cayce High School archery team, which hit its target goal of earning its first trip to the US Eastern Nationals Tournament. Brookland-Cayce qualified by its team scores in IBO/3-D archery and bullseye.  This is only Brookland-Cayce’s third year as a team.  Busbee Creative Arts Academy archer Zachary Baddourah […]


Busbee Creative Arts Academy band students receive excellent rating for their Concert Band Performance

The Band Students of Cyril B. Busbee Creative Arts Academy received an excellent rating for their Concert Band Performance Assessment, a division of the SC Band Directors Association. Hunter Reese, pictured with students, is the Director of Bands at Cyril B Busbee. (Busbee CAC photos)


13 Lexington 2 middle school students named SC Junior Scholars

Thirteen Lexington Two middle school students have been named South Carolina Junior Scholars. The program, developed by the SC Department of Education, identifies eighth-graders with high scholastic achievement and intellectual ability through PSAT/NMSQT testing and other criteria, and sponsors special opportunities through South Carolina colleges and universities, as well as the Governor’s School for Science […]