4 sentenced to federal prison for Lexington County fentanyl conspiracy

The leader of a local street gang, Carlos Antonio Grooms, a/k/a “B Lord,” 36, of Columbia, was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison, following a federal drug conspiracy conviction. Three co-conspirators were also sentenced to federal prison for their role in the scheme. Between 2020 and 2022, Grooms led a drug trafficking organization that […]


Pipe bomb found in Irmo, near neighborhood entrance

A pipe bomb was found, Monday, at a bridge into an Irmo subdivision. Irmo Police found a “suspicious device” at the entrance to the Hidden Oaks subdivision, near the intersection of Cressfell and Chapelwhite roads, according to Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis. Traffic on the bridge was closed to allowed for the safe removal of […]