South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson

Lexington County Men Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material Charges

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of Timothy Mark Mccullough (age 68), of West Columbia, and John Anthony Kayton (age 50), of Lexington, on six total charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department made the arrests in […]


SC Attorney General Alan Wilson addresses Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Business Breakfast

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson was the guest speaker at the Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Business Breakfast, Tuesday. It was held at Stone River in West Columbia. In introducing Wilson, Chamber President and CEO Tim James said Wilson grew up in Springdale and is now the longest-serving AG in South Carolina history. Wilson took office […]


Evening of dialogue with SC Attorney General Alan Wilson at Savage Craft Ale Works, Wednesday

There will be an evening of dialogue with SC Attorney General Alan Wilson at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday (Feb. 26) at the Armory on the grounds of Savage Craft Ale Works, 430 Center St. in West Columbia. The Pints and Politics event is presented by The Post and Courier and AARP South Carolina. It will […]


Lexington County Men Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material* Charges

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of Matthew Leonard Loveridge (age 20), of Cayce, S.C., and Christopher Paul Comer (age 28), of Pelion, S.C., on seven total charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department made the arrests […]


Lexington County Man Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material Charges

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of Jake Brady Ergle (age 38) of Batesburg-Leesville, S.C., on one charge connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department made the arrest. Investigators with the Attorney General’s Office, also a member of […]


Lexington man accessed vulnerable adult’s bank and credit card accounts to steal more than $143,000, says SC AG Alan Wilson

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced that his office’s Vulnerable Adults and Medicaid Provider Fraud unit (VAMPF) has arrested John Lemuel Morrell Jr, 60-years-old, of Lexington, for Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult and Grand Larceny, value $10,000 or more. Morrell was booked into the Lexington County Detention Center, Friday. An investigation by VAMPF revealed […]


AG Alan Wilson announces a 25-year sentence for a Lexington County man for trafficking cocaine

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announces that a Lexington County man has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for trafficking cocaine in Kershaw County. On October 31, Walter Goad was found guilty of trafficking more than 200 grams of cocaine in Kershaw County. In August of 2016, agents started investigating a suspected cocaine […]


Lexington Man Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material Charges

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of Jared Allen Harmon (age 22), of Lexington, on five charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department made the arrest. Investigators with the Attorney General’s Office, also a member of the […]