Riverwalk Park

Portion of West Columbia Riverwalk Closed Due to Flooding

The portion of the West Columbia Riverwalk from the Moffatt Street Entrance, 100 Riverside Drive, West Columbia, to the West Columbia Amphitheater is temporarily closed due to flooding.


Tubing, Kinetic Derby Day giant slide, and a shower area at Riverwalk highlight West Columbia spring

Are you ready to get outside and enjoy the spring? If so, West Columbia is the place to be.  Palmetto Outdoor tubing trips down the Congaree River begin in mid-April. Kinetic Derby Day, with a giant slide, is April 22. And a new shower and restroom at Riverwalk Park is scheduled to be open before May. Those […]


West Columbia Riverwalk and Amphitheater parking lot is now open

The West Columbia Riverwalk and Amphitheater parking lot is now open after being closed due to restroom repairs and upgrades. 


All Portions of West Columbia Riverwalk Open After Being Closed Due to Flooding

All portions of the West Columbia Riverwalk and Amphitheater are now open after being temporarily closed due to flooding.


High water on the Congaree River overflows into cofferdam

The Congaree River at Columbia crested at just over 12 feet (several feet below official flood stage) Saturday, according to the Congaree Riverkeeper. ( Link to Congaree Riverkeeper ) The photo is from the Congaree Riverkeeper. The high water on the river resulted in the the closing of portions of Riverwalk in West Columbia and […]


Portion of West Columbia Riverwalk Closed Due to Flooding

The portion of the West Columbia Riverwalk from Moffatt Street to the Gervais Street Bridge is temporarily closed to the public due to flooding.


Santa’s Mailbox is back in West Columbia at Carraway Park, across from Riverwalk

Santa’s Mailbox is back in the City of West Columbia inside Carraway Park, (across from Riverwalk) 212 Hudson Street, West Columbia. Children can bring their letters or use the provided postcards at Santa Post Office and drop them in Santa’s mailbox. Santa’s mailbox accepts letters from November 7 – December 14, 2022, for a response […]


West Columbia parks will be open on Saturday

All City of West Columbia parks will open on Saturday, Nov. 12, at the posted hours, after being closed Friday in preparation for Tropical Storm Nicole.