Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher

Lexington man dies in Saturday motorcycle accident in the West Columbia area of Lexington County

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a single-motorcycle accident in the 300 block of Shelton Road in the West Columbia area of Lexington County at approximately 8:15 p.m., Saturday. According to Fisher, Mr. Jerome Lamar Stutts, 51, of Lexington was traveling westbound onShelton Road when he traveled off the […]


Lexington County coroner identifies woman who died in crash

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a single-vehicle accident in the 1600 block of Pine Plain Road in the Swansea area of Lexington County atapproximately 12:16 A.M. on Wednesday . According to Fisher, Ms. A’dasha Takell Sease, 26, of North was traveling southbound on PinePlain Road when she traveled […]


Coroner identifies teen killed in Lexington County motorcycle crash

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the person that was killed in a vehicle vs. motorcycle, Sunday at approximately 1:30 pm. on South Lake Drive at Paps Drive in Lexington County.  Fisher states that Mr. Hunter Avery Rabon, 19, of Newberry was operating a Kawasaki motorcycle and was traveling westbound on South Lake Drive […]


Lexington County Coroner releases autopsy results from body found on I-20

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher is releasing the autopsy results of the person found deadalong the shoulder of I-20 Westbound at MM62 on February 2, 2024. The person who was positively identified as Miss Stephanie Chanel Quintana, 22, of Columbia was founddead on the shoulder of the highway by a passerby on Friday morning of […]


Coroner identifies 21-year-old who died in Lexington County motorcycle crash

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in amotorcycle accident near the 63 mile-maker of Interstate 20 in the Columbia area of Lexington Countyat approximately 10:24 p.m. on Friday. According to Fisher, Mr. Patrick Riley Prewitt, 21, of Lexington was traveling westbound whenhe went off the right side of the highway […]


Lexington County Coroner identifies victim of fatal crash on Fish Hatchery Road

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a single-vehicle accident in the 5800 block of Fish Hatchery Road in the Pelion area of Lexington County at approximately 10:38 p.m. on Wednesday. According to Fisher, Mr. Antonia Deshawn White, 32, of Columbia was the passenger in a pick-up truck traveling southbound […]


Woman dies after multi-vehicle collision on Lake Murray Boulevard

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a multi-vehicle accident in the 1300 block of Lake Murray Blvd in the Irmo area of Lexington County atapproximately 10:20 p.m., Thursday. According to Fisher, Ms. Jennifer Brooke Wingate, 34, of Columbia was traveling westbound onLake Murray Blvd when she was struck from […]


Man dies in Lexington County crash after vehicle hits tree

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a vehicleaccident at North Edisto Road and Steedman Road in the Leesville area of Lexington County atapproximately 7:20 p.m. on Saturday. According to Fisher, Mr. Robert Lawrence Gillespie, 54, of Batesburg-Leesville was travelingnorthbound on North Edisto Road when he went off the left […]