Hunter Sox

City of Cayce receives distinguished budget presentation award

On January 2, at the first Cayce City Council meeting of 2024, the City of Cayce received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2023- 2024 and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Both awards were from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA.) Staff from the City’s […]


Cayce-West Columbia Chamber members, staff and supporters relish “Chamber-of-the-Year” award

Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce members, Board members and staff took a bow Tuesday during the Cayce-West Columbia morning Chamber Business Meeting at Stone River in West Columbia. Last Thursday, the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce was recognized as the Carolinas (South Carolina and North Carolina) Outstanding Chamber of the Year (Under 700 Members) […]


Cayce’s River Arts District Selected for Statewide Achievement Award

From the City of Cayce- At the Municipal Association of South Carolina’s 2023 Annual Meeting in July, the City of Cayce received the Annual Achievement Award for the development in the City’s Cayce River Arts District. Cayce’s Mayor, members of the Cayce City Council, and Cayce staff attended the Annual Meeting to receive the prestigious award for innovative efforts in […]


Busbee Creative Arts Academy Girls Volleyball team honored by Cayce City Council

Cayce Council honored the Cyril B. Busbee Creative Arts Academy Girls Volleyball team, Wednesday at the council meeting. The team led council in the pledge tonight. the team is the 2022 Eastern Division Champs. Under their Coach, Lt. McCord from the City of Cayce Police Department, the team had only one loss all season and […]


Gas and Supply holds Grand Opening, cuts the ribbon on its new Cayce location

Gas and Supply cut the ribbon on its new Cayce location, Friday, at 1148 Walter Price Rd. US Rep. Joe Wilson (R-Springdale) was on hand, along with Cayce Councilmembers: Skip Jenkins, Phil Carter, Tim James, and Hunter Sox. Cayce Mayor Elise Partin toured the facility before the ribbon-cutting. Wilson presented a Congressional certificate to Mike […]


2 newly elected members sworn-in to serve on Cayce City Council, Tuesday

Two newly elected members of Cayce City Council were sworn in Tuesday at the Cayce City Council meeting. Tim James, who won reelection in District 1, was sworn in by Dr. Eddie Coakley from Trinity Baptist Church Cayce. James was surrounded by his wife, Gay, his two daughters and former Cayce Public Safety Chief A.G. […]


Hunter Sox wins Dist. 3 Cayce City Council race

Hunter Sox won the Dist. 3 seat on Cayce City Council, Tuesday.Sox received 117 votes to 61 for J Kelly Wuest. Ann Bailey-Robinson, who was the incumbent, received 41 votes.