Former Police Chief of Lexington County town pleads guilty in scheme related to extortion for the production of pornography and coerced sex acts

From the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department – William Bruce Parker, a/k/a “Parker,” a/k/a “Willie Boner,” a/k/a “John Wayne,” of West Columbia, pled guilty to Cyberstalking Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury and Communicating Threats with the Intent to Extort victims for the production of pornography and coerced sex acts. U.S. District Judge Cameron McGowan Currie accepted […]


Lexington County deputies, state, federal agents working 1986 kidnapping cold case

The FBI and the State Law Enforcement Division have joined Lexington County deputies to assist in the ongoing search for a girl reported missing more than 35 years ago. (See LCSD video below) Members of an FBI unit specializing in child abductions arrived in Lexington Monday to work alongside deputies and SLED agents in the […]