Dr. Nicholas Wade

Lexington 2 schedules groundbreaking for performing arts center in December

From Dawn Kujawa. Lexington Two Communications – -The Lexington Two School District will break ground on a new performing arts center and district office in December, following the board’s final approval of plans earlier this month. The center, the final piece of the district’s $225 million bond referendum approved by voters in 2014, will be […]


Indicators show a decline in COVID at the hospital, and in schools in West Columbia

Recent COVID case numbers are on the decline Lexington Medical Center President and CEO Tod Augsburger addressed West Columbia City Council last week. He said that COVID cases have declined dramatically. By Friday (Oct. 8) there were less than 50 patients at LMC with COVID. On Aug. 26, there were 195 hospitalized at LMC with […]


Springdale Elementary’s Alie Brantly is Lexington 2’s Teacher-of-the-Year

From Dawn Kujawa, Lexington Two Commutations Director – Fifth-grade teacher Alie Brantly of Springdale Elementary has been selected as District Teacher of the Year for Lexington Two. Superintendent Dr. Nicolas Wade, Springdale Principal Hope Vrana and other district administrators surprised Brantly with the news in her classroom Monday, to the applause of her students. “We […]


Lexington 2 update on Monday’s school shooting threats

Monday morning, Lexington Two administrators were alerted to social media posts from an unknown individual who allegedly threatened a shooting during lunch at an unnamed school. An investigation was immediately launched and Cayce police officers were contacted. Because of information in the posts, it was determined that the threats involved a high school lunch period. […]


Police presence increased because of threat to Lexington 2 schools, Monday

Threats have been made via social media have been made related to Lexington Two schools, Monday. One threat was said to have been made at Brookland-Cayce High School in Cayce. Despite the information distributed by Lexington Two, many parents were at the district’s schools to pick up their children. By 10 a.m., at least seven […]


In a weather emergency, West Columbia schools have a plan, you need a survival kit

September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. In West Columbia, local officials have a plan and they are sure to make note of available resources as their attention turns toward awareness. West Columbia Police Chief Marion Boyce and West Columbia Fire Chief Chris Smith refer to trusted sources when seeking information regarding emergency preparedness. “The South […]


Lexington 2 School Board approves mask requirement until Oct. 31

From Lexington 2 Communications Director Dawn Kujawa – Lexington Two’s Board of Trustees approved an immediate temporary emergency mask requirement Thursday night for the district’s students, employees and visitors. The temporary policy will be effective Sept. 3, through Oct. 31. It was approved by a 5-2 vote during a special called board meeting Thursday. Lexington […]


Wood Elementary moving from in-person classes to remote learning for 2 weeks

Students at Wood Elementary will move temporarily from in-person classes to remote learning. Wood Elementary’s two-week shift to remote learning, announced Wednesday, will run Thursday, September 2, through Wednesday, September 15. Students are tentatively scheduled to return to campus on Thursday, September 16. The decision to move to temporary remote instruction is a result of […]