New zoning ordinance approved by Cayce City Council will allow for more options toward residential growth
Cayce City Council, at its July 17 meeting, approved an ordinance that creates a new zoning designation.
The new zoning designation is RS-4A. It will allow for the construction of higher-density housing, accessory dwellings, like converted garages or basement apartments called Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs. Setbacks, under the new zoning rule, can be as close as five feet on all sides.

Related article: New homes coming to Cayce
“The new zoning ordinance, is written to welcome growth to the city of Cayce,” said, Cayce Mayor Pro-Tem Tim James, “while also providing a strong tool to manage the growth. Since I was elected, I have said we should not be opposed to planned growth, however we need to manage the growth, so that the growth does not manage us, which would ultimately decrease the tranquility and spirit our fine city is known for.”
There is a current plan to build 12 new houses at 800 Lexington Avenue in Cayce on the former site of the Cayce Grammar School.