Social Media

Spring will be here soon, events are plentiful in West Columbia

West Columbia has already gotten a dose of spring, with rising temperatures. Warm weather will be here to stay in the next few weeks- and there is a lot going on outside. Kirkin of the Tartans On Sunday, March 25, at 11 a.m., the West Columbia Columbia Riverwalk Amphitheater becomes a part of Tartan Day […]


Lots to do in winter, if you live in West Columbia

It can be cold outside in the month of February, but that does not stop the people of West Columbia from being active. Kelly Strickland of West Columbia, makes the most of the winter months.  “When the weather is not as nice outdoors, like most people, we are indoors more,” said Strickland. She said her  […]


Photo gallery – Cayce-West Columbia Holiday Parade of Lights

From fire trucks and queens to elves and vintage cars, the Cayce-West Columbia Holiday Parade of Lights was bight in the December sky, Saturday night. Throngs of spectators, bundled up for the cold, lined 12th Street from Cayce to West Columbia. The unique night time parade featured candy and pageantry.  It was a festive spectacle […]


West Columbia Tree Lighting on a perfect night, parade is Saturday

The West Columbia Christmas Tree lighting was a rousing success and there is more holiday fun to come. The Greater Cayce –West Columbia Holiday Parade of Lights is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Saturday. But there is a change from previous years. This year, the parade route will begin in front of the Cayce Municipal Complex […]


Photo Gallery – Cayce-West Columbia in fall regalia of colors on Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving, and the trees are filled with autumn fire in Cayce and West Columbia. From the grounds of the historic Guignard Brick Works on Knox-Abbott Drive, to the gates of the Riverbanks Zoo Botanical Gardens, the leaves are ablaze, presenting a dazzling late-autumn show. Click on photos below to enlarge:


Brookland-Cayce C-Team goes undefeated in regular season

With a 36-12 win at Chapin Wednesday night, the Brookland-Cayce C-Team went to 7-0 and undefeated in the regular season in football. The team is made up of seventh and eighth-grade students from Busbee Creative Arts Academy and Northside Middle School. The BC C-Team posted wins over Irmo, Dutch Fork, Meadow Glen, Lexington, Carolina Springs, Pleasant […]


Brookland-Cayce C-Team goes undefeated in regular season

With a 36-12 win at Chapin Wednesday night, the Brookland-Cayce C-Team went to 7-0 and undefeated in the regular season in football. The team is made up of seventh and eighth-grade students from Busbee Creative Arts Academy and Northside Middle School. The BC C-Team posted wins over Irmo, Dutch Fork, Meadow Glen, Lexington, Carolina Springs, Pleasant […]


Pink Out for breast cancer has special meaning in West Columbia

Breast cancer gets a lot of attention, especially in the month of October. And that certainly rings true in West Columbia. West Columbia Community Liaison Sandra “Sandy” Vergara Duarte died on Sept. 25, after years of battling breast cancer. She was with the city for 17 years. Her life – and her fight- made a […]