Social Media

Distracted driver on the phone results in crash with injuries on Corley Mill Road in Lexington

All lanes of Corley Mill Road at Frye Road were reopened by 3:30 p.m. Monday. A collision with injuries had the road shut down. The wreck was caused by a distracted driver on her phone who drove left of center into the oncoming lane striking the other vehicle.


Left turn lane from St. Andrews Road onto Lake Murray Boulevard shut down as road repair crews work in the area

Road repair crews have the left turn lane from St. Andrews Road onto Lake Murray Boulevard shut down. Motorists cannot make a left turn (toward the Lake Murray Dam) from northbound St. Andrews. The Irmo Police Department is asking drivers to please use an alternate route.Turning at Fork Avenue to Nursery Road brings an alternative […]


Airport High School’s two free summer football clinics draw more than 250 participants

Airport High School’s two free summer football clinics drew 250-plus participants to the campus this month. Both events – the Friday Night Lights Youth Camp and Moms Football Clinic – were coached by Airport Athletic Director and Football Coach Shane Fidler, along with his team of assistants and Airport football players. All participants took to […]


Crash near Lake Murray Dam results in injuries and person being cut from damaged car

Irmo Fire District units responded to a serious vehicle collision Saturday afternoon at Lake Murray Blvd and North Lake Drive near the Lake Murray Dam. One person had to be cut out of a car. Injuries were described as “moderate” by the Irmo Fire District. Others were also injured and were transported to the hospital. […]


Structure fire on Lake Murray Boulevard quickly brought under control, Saturday morning

Irmo Fire District units along with Lexington County Fire Service and the Columbia Fire departmen responded to a commercial structure fire on Lake Murray Boulevard Saturday morning. The crews quickly brought the fire under control and there were no reports of injuries.


Lexington Police work crash on Hope Ferry Road at Sunset Boulevard, Friday afternoon

Units from the Lexington Police Department were on Hope Ferry Road at Sunset Boulevard due to a collision, around 1:30 Friday afternoon. Both lanes leading to Sunset Blvd on Hope Ferry Road were blocked.All lanes were cleared by 3:30. The cause of the collision was failure to yield to the right of way. (LPD Photos)


Ricky’s Tire and Auto Center is permanently closed

Ricky’s Tire & Auto Center at 1534 Sunset Blvd. is closed for good. There is a sign on the door of the business that said it’s closed. Owner Ricky Branham posted on Facebook that Ricky’s is closed, permanently. Click for Ricky’s Facebook page – His post is below:(THE TIRE STORE IS CLOSED)Hey everybody, it’s Ricky, […]


The loss of Mayor Bobby Horton leaves a sad void and poignant memories for a West Columba family

By Terry Ward – Former West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton was a neighbor and a friend. I watched as he was wheeled into an ambulance from his home on Saturday, June 24. It was the last time I talked to him. Less than a week later, on Thursday, June 29, he passed away. But there are so many memories left.  When […]