West Columbia’s Carraway Park at Riverwalk Ribbon-Cutting is Wednesday

The Ribbon-Cutting for West Columbia’s Carraway Park at the Riverwalk – A Place for All Children to Play Together Ribbon Cutting, is Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 9:30 AM. At that time, the All-Inclusive ADA Accessible Park will be opened to the public. When: Wednesday, Oct. 30, 9:30 AM Where: West Columbia’s Carraway Park at the […]


Providence Presbyterian Trunk Or Treat is Friday

Providence Presbyterian Church’s Trunk Or Treat is Friday from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Providence Presbyterian Church. 1112 Hummingbird Drive, West Columbia. Kids wear your costumes for this candy-oriented event.


Zombies for West Columbia Halloween, with Boo at the Zoo, Halloween Hoopla

Halloween night is getting closer and that means zombies are lurking at  1705 Redbird Lane in West Columbia. The zombie posse is comprised of scary wooden figures crafted by artist Jeff Matthews who lives at the house that has presented the attraction for the last four years. Matthews cut out and sketched the zombies. He […]


Mt. Hebron United Methodist Country Fair 2019 is Sunday

Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church Country Fair 2019 is Sunday from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church, 3050 Leaphart Rd., West Columbia. The Country Fair features Games, Food, Magic Show, Door Prizes, Hay Rides, and MORE. Costumes are welcomed and remember to be Church friendly please.


Zombies for West Columbia Halloween, with Boo at the Zoo, Halloween Hoopla

Halloween night is getting closer and that means zombies are lurking at  1705 Redbird Lane in West Columbia. The zombie posse is comprised of scary wooden figures crafted by artist Jeff Matthews who lives at the house that has presented the attraction for the last four years. Matthews cut out and sketched the zombies. He […]


Mt. Tabor Lutheran Halloween in The Park is Sunday

Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church’s Halloween in The Park is Sunday from 4:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at 1000 B Ave, West Columbia. Halloween in The Park features Dinner; Games; Attractions; a Haunted House; and Family Fun For Everyone.


Mt. Hebron United Methodist Country Fair 2019 is Sunday

Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church Country Fair 2019 is Sunday from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church, 3050 Leaphart Rd., West Columbia. The Country Fair features Games, Food, Magic Show, Door Prizes, Hay Rides, and MORE. Costumes are welcomed and remember to be Church friendly please.


Providence Presbyterian Trunk Or Treat is Friday

Providence Presbyterian Church’s Trunk Or Treat is Friday from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Providence Presbyterian Church. 1112 Hummingbird Drive, West Columbia. Kids wear your costumes for this candy-oriented event.