Davis Hoffman, Alie Brantly are Lexington 2’s Student and Teacher of the Quarter

The Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce and sponsor House of Raeford Farms are sponsors of the Lexington Two Student of the Quarter awards.Davis Hoffman of Brookland-Cayce High School and fifth-grade teacher Alie Brantly of Springdale Elementary Dolphins. The awards were given at Tuesday’s Chamber breakfast.


West Columbia Police Chief Marion Boyce stresses Halloween safety

Halloween is Sunday, Oct. 31. It has evolved from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which included the lighting of bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off ghosts. Halloween 2020, was impacted by COVID, but this year Halloween is back. With more children expected to be back out on the streets this year, families should […]


Cayce’s new Police Chief, Chris Cowan, speaks at Greater C-WC Chamber Breakfast

Cayce’s new Police Chief, Chris Cowan, addressed the Greater Cayce- West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday.Cowan spoke about his vision for the newly formed Cayce Police Department, that includes the transition from Public Safety to separated Police and Fire Services. He said engaging the diverse communities of Cayce will be a part of his […]


Retiring Cayce Public Safety Director Byron Snellgrove honored at C-WC Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday

Retiring Cayce Department of Public Safety Director Byron Snellgrove was honored at the Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, Tuesday. Snellgrove received a resolution for his dedicated service to the City of Cayce.  He is retiring after more than 35 years in law enforcement.


New West Columbia Police Chief Marion Boyce speaks at C-WC Chamber Breakfast

Marion Boyce was named as the new West Columbia Police Chief in early September.Boyce, who replaced the retiring Chief Dennis Tyndall, outlined his plans at the Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Tuesday. It was held at Stone River in West Columbia. “I’ll pick up the ball and run with it,” said Boyce, who has […]


Boat found, Lexington County Sheriff’s Deputies search for missing man

David Grantham’s boat was spotted near Spence’s Point on Lake Murray from the air and recovered, Tuesday, but he wasn’t on it. Lexington County Sheriff’s Department divers have been called to the scene as part of a search. LCSD personnel are also searching nearby islands. About 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, Capt. Adam Myrick of the LCSD […]


Retired West Columbia Police Chief Dennis Tyndall honored at Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Breakfast, Tuesday

West Columbia Police Chief Dennis Tyndall retired in September. He was recognized at the Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber Breakfast Tuesday for his 24 years as chief and 37 years serving the City of West Columbia. Pictured: Chamber CEO Tim James, Dennis Tyndall, Mayor Tem Miles, Councilman David Moye, and Hayley Bowers, who heads the […]


Airport, Brookland-Cayce High School Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat is Thursday

Airport High School and Brookland-Cayce High School are inviting the community to kick off Halloween at their family-friendly, drive-thru events for trick-or-treating. Admission is free to both events.Both events are set for Thursday, October 28, so district families can participate at their nearest high school. Free candy will be handed out, and costumes are encouraged. […]