West Columbia man dies in crash on Jessamine Road

Lexington County Coroner, Margaret Fisher, has identified the individual who died in a single-vehicle accident in the 1500 block of Jessamine Road in Lexington shortly before 11 p.m. on Monday. According Fisher, Mr. Daniel Peppers, 55, of West Columbia was traveling on Jessamine Road when the vehicle he was driving left the left side of […]


Woman, age 68, dies in Lexington County crash

Lexington County Coroner, Margaret Fisher, has identified the individual who died in a single vehicle accident in the 2300 block of Ridge Road in Leesville shortly after 6 p.m. on Saturday. According to Fisher, Ms. Janet Johnson Caulk, 68, of Wagener was traveling westbound on Ridge Road when the vehicle she was driving left the […]


Lexington Two schools will dismiss one hour early on Friday due to weather

Due to forecasts of high winds and strong storms this afternoon that could make travel hazardous, Lexington Two schools will dismiss one hour early on Friday, May 6. Dismissal times will be 1:10 p.m. for elementary schools, 2:10 p.m. for middle schools, and 2:50 p.m. for high schools.  Afternoon and evening activities are canceled for […]


Airport, Brookland-Cayce win baseball playoff games, BC soccer advances, too

Airport defeated South Florence, 6-3, and Brookland-Cayce beat Bishop England, 11-5, in high school baseball playoff games, Thursday. The Brookland-Cayce soccer team defeated Academic Magnet, 2-1, in the high school playoffs, Wednesday. Airport and Brookland-Cayce will host playoff games Monday. The BC soccer team will play Hanahan at Brookland-Cayce, in the third round of the […]


Charwood Golf Club takes first place in Cayce-West Columbia Golf Tournament, Security Federal is second

The Greater Cayce West Columbia Chamber’s golf tournament was held at Charwood Golf Club on Thursday. Charwood Golf Club took first place in the tournament. The team’s members are: Terry Boykin, Bill Coulter, Chase Eagle, and Andrew Washburn. The second-place team was Security Federal Bank. It’s members are: Scott Hagler, Ken Washburn, Chuck Powers, and […]


Gray Collegiate Basketball, Football State Championship teams are honored at SC Statehouse

Gray Collegiate Academy’s State Championship basketball and football State Champions were honored Wednesday at the South Carolina Statehouse. The Gray football team won the 2A State Championship in the fall and the basketball team won its crown in March. The basketball championship was Gray’s fourth State Title in five years, after three-straight state championships 2018-20. […]


Art on State, postponed Until Friday, May 13, Due to Inclement Weather

The City of West Columbia is postponing Art on State due to inclement weather. The rescheduled event will now be held on Friday, May 13, 2022, from 5:30 – 9:30 PM, on the 100-200 Blocks of State Street, West Columbia.


Riverbanks Zoo and Garden Day declared by Governor, Senate and House

State Sen. Nikki Setzler, Gov. Henry McMaster along with members of the South Carolina Senate and House of Representatives, Wednesday, commemorated Riverbanks Zoo and Garden’s 48-year history with a senate resolution declaring May 4 Riverbanks Zoo and Garden Day in South Carolina. The Resolution congratulated the founders and staff of Riverbanks Zoo and Garden, the […]