4 Gray Collegiate athletes sign to play at the college level

Four Gray Collegiate Academy athletes signed to play at the college level, Wednesday. They are: Elijah Radden, Football, Newberry College; Brent Stukes, Baseball, North Greenville University; Tanner Outz, Baseball, Columbia International University; London Peagler, Volleyball , Coker University. Players are pictured with Gray Athletic Director and Football Coach Adam Holmes, Baseball Coach; Charlie Assey; Principal […]


Threat on a social media post mentioned Brookland-Cayce High School, additional law enforcement officers summoned to school

Thursday, near the end of the school day, a threat on a social media post mentioned Brookland-Cayce High School. Law enforcement was immediately contacted, and appropriate actions are being taken.  The school is on hold, and families have been notified. Additional law enforcement officers are on campus. At the normal dismissal time Thursday, Brookland-Cayce also […]


Airport students dismissed early after threat made to school by email

Shortly before noon Thursday, February 2, Airport High School received an email threat. The school was placed on a hold, with students and teachers remaining in place in their rooms for instruction and activities. Families were notified. During the hold, we worked to distribute lunches to classrooms. Additional law enforcement officers were on the Airport […]


Threats made to Lexington School District 1 Technology Center, River Bluff High School and White Knoll High School

The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department is looking into a potential threat made today at Lexington Technology Center. Law enforcement personnel has been in communication with Lexington County School District One administration throughout the morning. No credible threat has been found, however, as part of the work to ensure a safe environment for students and faculty, […]


West Columbia Police use data and community feedback to help protect citizens

Since Marion Boyce was named West Columbia Police Chief in September of 2021, he has implemented the use of data, community involvement and crime statistical information to help protect the citizens of the city.  Data-driven policing is the use of analytical information and technology to acknowledge and identify crimes or targets in order to more efficiently […]


Unique Barbershop cuts the ribbon on Knox-Abbott Drive in Cayce

The ribbon was cut at Unique Barbershop at 910 Knox-Abbott Drive in Cayce, Wednesday. Anthony Swinton is the owner and there are at least 6 more barbers at the shop. Unique Barbershop offers men, women and children’s cuts and styles. Cayce Mayor Elise Partin welcomed the business to Cayce. Cayce-West Columbia Chamber President Tim James […]


2 Brookland-Cayce High School athletes sign to play football at the college level

Two Brookland-Cayce High School athletes declared their intent to play football at the college level. Naahzeikial Mays signed a letter of intent to play with North Greenville University, while Jadyn Johnson signed with Lenoir-Rhyne University. The two athletes participated in a ceremony Wednesday on National Signing Day. Coaches, teammates, fellow students, and family members attended […]


2 Airport High School athletes declare their intent to play at the college level

Two Airport High School athletes declared their intent to participate in their sports . DJ McFadden signed a letter of intent to play football with Butler Community College (Kansas). Alaina Merrick signed to cheer at Newberry College, the second Airport cheerleader to sign with that school so far this year. The two athletes participated in […]