
District 2 students named Myrdis Walker scholars

56 STUDENTS INDUCTED INTO LEXINGTON TWO’S MYRDIS WALKER SCHOLARS PROGRAM Fifty-six (56) Lexington District Two students were inducted into the Myrdis Walker Scholars program as 2016 Scholars on February 11 at the Brookland-Cayce High School auditorium. Busbee Creative Arts Academy: Christina Brown, Emanuel Brown, Matias Isaac, Sierra McKnight, Dai Jaun Richardson and Justin Smith; R. H. Fulmer Middle:  Shamyah Biddle, India Candelario, Shannon Davis, Marcus Gadsden, Kristian Gilley, Nybria Jackson, Kemani […]


Five running for South Congaree offices

The office of mayor is open in South Congaree, and so are three council seats. Filing to run for office in South Congaree closed on Feb. 5. The town will hold its election on April 5, according to Dean Crepes of the Lexington County Voter Registration office. Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Smith is […]


Hillary Clinton is primary winner in Lexington County

Hillary Clinton was the big winner in Lexington County’s presidential primary for Democrats, Saturday. In Lexington County, Clinton got 61 percent of the vote. That amounted to 8,810 of the votes cast. Bernie Sanders got 39 percent of the vote or 5,584 ballots cast in his favor. There are 167,746 registered voters in Lexington County. […]


Jenny Cunningham honored with Resolution presentation

Jenny Cunningham, West Columbia City Administrator who is retiring March 1, was honored Friday morning. Sen. Nikki Setzler, right, and Rep. Kenny Bingham presented Cunningham with a Resolution from the S.C. Senate and House commending her for her 37 years of service. The presentation was made at the West Columbia City Hall.


Nino Chambers, 17, recognized for starting business

Nino Chambers was recognized for starting his own business, by the Lexington 2 School Board Thursday night. Nino, a Brookland-Cayce High School junior,  handcrafts bow ties and bow tie key chains and sells them on a website.


School board hears what Saluda River school could look like

In January, the Lexington School District 2 Board agreed to allow for staff to investigate the possibility of remodeling two schools. One of the schools that could be considered for transformation to a K-through-2 school is Saluda River Academy for the Arts (SRAA.) The other is Pineview Elementary. At Thursdays’s school board meeting, the district’s […]


Areli Pena recognized by Lexington 2 for artwork

Areli Pena, a Brookland-Cayce High School student, was recognized by the Lexington School District 2 School Board Thursday. She won best in show and a first-place award in the SC Department of Natural Resources Art Contest. Areli is pictured with Dr. Bill James, Lexington 2 Superintendent.


Palmetto Gold/Silver Award Winners recognized by District 2

Lexington School District 2 recognized its Palmetto Gold/Silver Award Winners for General Performance and/or Closing the Achievement Gap at its meeting Thursday. Pictured are: Principal Megan Carrero, of Fulmer Middle School Principal Brad Coleman Pine Ridge Middle School Principal C.R. Hall Busbee Creative Arts Academy Principal Lisa Davis, Northside Middle School Lexington School District Superitendent […]