
Lexington 2 Bus Drivers report from Charleston Evacuation Mission

People needed help, so a group of Lexington 2 School Bus Drivers answered the call. With Hurricane Matthew evacuations initiated in Charleston, the Lexington 2 Bus Drivers volunteered to help transport evacuees from Charleston to Greenville, or anywhere else they needed to go to find safety. Cliff Jones, Lexington 2 Special Needs Transportation Supervisor, said […]


State Treasurer Curtis Loftis Co-sponsors Cyber Security Summit

South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis kicked off a gathering today of state and local government leaders, higher education administrators and bankers to discuss cyber security threats to the public and private sectors. Treasurer Loftis – who lives in West Columbia – delivered opening remarks at the Cyber Security Summit along with co-sponsors Dr. Harris Pastides, […]


Lexington County shelter to open at 3 p.m. – list of pet-friendly motels

Shelter to open at White Knoll High School at 3 p.m. and list of pet-friendly hotels The County of Lexington announces that a shelter will open at White Knoll High School, which is the first of several shelters the County has designated, to support evacuees from coastal counties. White Knoll High School is located at […]


Lexington 2 bus drivers to transport evacuees from Charleston to Greenville

There are 52 Lexington Two school bus drivers who have volunteered to go to Charleston to transport Hurricane Matthew evacuees to Greenville. “We are proud of your willingness to step forward in times of need in our state,” Janet Dedmon posted on Lexington 2’s Facebook Page Wednesday. The lanes of I-26 will be reversed Wednesday afternoon in […]


Springdale Town offices closed Oct. 5-7

From Jeff Stillwell, Springdale Town Administrator:  Due to the evacuation of the coastal regions of the state and at the advice of Governor Nikki Haley, Springdale Town Hall will be closed Wednesday, October 5 through Friday October 7. Recycling and yard trash routes will continue on it’s regular schedule. As the evacuation officially begins, please […]


Cayce-West Columbia Chamber postpones Awards Dinner

Due to Governor Haley declaration of a state of emergency with coastal evacuation, the Holiday Inn and Suites and Greater Cayce-West Columbia Chamber Staff have come to the conclusion that the Annual Awards Dinner and Silent Auction scheduled for Thursday should be postponed  until a later date. The Chamber will announce the rescheduled date Wednesday morning.


SCDOT releases schedule for lane reversals for Coastal evacuees

Lane reversals are scheduled to begin at at 3 p.m. on Wednesday for more than one million people evacuating the South Carolina coast, as Hurricane Matthew approaches the state. Many of those evacuees will head to Lexington County to take refuge. Lexington County schools have been closed for the next three days. Schools are routinely […]


I-26 lane reversal to end at Cayce, only essential personnel on duty

The following preparations for Hurricane Matthew are taking place in the City of Cayce. – The lane reversal for I-26 will begin tomorrow at 3 and it stops at the I-77 bridge so there will a lot of extra traffic in the Cayce area. – Essential emergency personnel will be working. – There is no […]