
Treas. Curtis Loftis at State Fair for Seniors Day, Unclaimed Property, Future Scholar

Treasurer Curtis Loftis to Attend State Fair for “Seniors Day” Unclaimed Property and Future Scholar Booths Will Be in AARP Pavilion Wednesday is Seniors Day at the S.C. State Fair and you can celebrate by heading to the AARP Pavilion! The State Treasurer’s Office is teaming up with AARP to add to the celebration. Booths from […]


Brookland-Cayce Cheer Team wins first-place again

The Brookland-Cayce High School Cheer Team scored another first-place finish in 3A competition, Monday night. The BC Cheer Team was first in the Battle at the Bluff competition held at River Bluff High School. It is the second, first-place finish for the team in three days. The BC team was first at the Silver Fox […]


Lexington 2 Board to meet Thurs, 7 p.m.- Hero/Heroine Ceremony at 6:30

The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two will conduct its Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia. An  agenda is posted on the District’s website, /Board of Trustees / Board Meetings / Agenda. Prior to the […]


Eleanor Z. Siedschlag, 2016 inductee into Lexington Two Heroes and Heroines Society

Eleanor Z. Siedschlag has been named the 2016 inductee into Lexington School District Two’s Heroes and Heroines Society, the district’s most prestigious award.  Mrs. Siedschlag was in Lexington Two for 28 years and retired in 2011 from Taylor Elementary School. A reception in her honor will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20, […]


West Columbia City Council to hold Work Session, 6 p.m Monday

The West Columbia City Council will conduct a Work Session at 6 p.m Monday (Oct. 17.) It will be held at West Columbia City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street. Agenda items include: ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS BY MAYOR BOBBY HORTON Presentation of On-Site Generation (OSG) Options for Water Treatment Plants – Mr. Mark Waller, Director of Planning and […]


Cayce’s Guignard Park is reopened

Guignard Park is back. A Grand Reopening ceremony at the park off of Knox-Abbott Drive was held Saturday Cayce Mayor Elise Partin, Councilwoman Tara Almond, City Manager Rebecca Vance and Assistant City Manager Shaun Greenwood were at the park Saturday for the reopening. Local Photo Artist Charles Hite was at the park on Saturday, too. The […]


Rhythm on the River concludes 2016 Fall Concert Series

The Rhythm on the River show played in the 2016 Fall Concert Series, Sunday. The fifth and final concert- featuring The Reggie Sullivan Band-  was held on a perfect day with lots of sunshine and a good crowd. None of the shows were postponed, moved, or cancelled in the fall series. The music events were held […]


Rhythm on the River, 2 p.m. Sunday with the Reggie Sullivan Band

Rhythm on the River Sunday at West Columbia Riverwalk. Today, the Reggie Sullivan Band with Eric Bettencourt will play. The show begins at 2 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m. The shows are at the West Columbia Amphitheatre on the Riverwalk. It’s at the corner of Meeting Street and Alexander Road.