
2016 Lexington County traffic deaths down slightly

Forty-one people died on the roads in Lexington County for the year 2016. In the last four years- from 2013 to 2016- 2015 is the year that had the most traffic deaths in Lexington County- with 46. In 2014, there were 36 traffic deaths and 39 in 2013. The data comes from the S.C. Department […]


White Knoll High baseball player, 16, dies Tuesday

White Knoll sophomore Brett Williams, who had verbally committed to play baseball for the University of South Carolina, died on Tuesday at Palmetto Richland in Columbia. Lexington County coroner Margaret Fisher said the 16-year-old was transported to the hospital after being admitted to the Lexington Medical Center. The time or cause of death is not […]


Lexington 2 asks for feedback on draft Strategic Plan

Please read and provide feedback on Lexington School District Two’s draft Strategic Plan.  This plan will guide our district for five years, beginning with the 2017-2018 school year.  You may offer any comments or suggestions using the survey link below.  Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to plan the future of Lexington […]


Naturalist Dr. Rudy Mancke to conduct Guignard Park Tour in Cayce

Dr. Rudy Mancke will conduct a Guided Nature Tour of Guignard Park on Saturday, April 8. Tours will be held at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The 10 a.m. tour will be geared especially for children and nature gifts will be provided to each participant. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Mancke will conduct […]


Gray Collegiate reports test score success

By D. Todd Helms Director of Communications and Governmental Affairs Henry David Thoreau once said, “Things do not change; we change.” This quote fits perfectly for the inspiring and progressive changes taking place at Gray Collegiate Academy, a public charter high school, conveniently located near the major interstate highways in West Columbia, SC. GCA is […]


Brookland Groundbreaking has been scheduled

A Groundbreaking ceremony will be held for Brookland. “Everything is in place, and it’s ready to go,” said West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton. He said the plan to develop the property at State and Meeting streets in West Columbia originated in 2003 with the city piecing separate parcels of land together to present as a four-acre […]


Lexington 2 Board Meeting- Board Appreciation Reception, Thursday

The Board of Trustees of Lexington School District Two will conduct their Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, January 19, , at 7 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Education Center, 715 Ninth Street, West Columbia, SC. The proposed Agenda is attached. Notices and Agendas are also posted on the District’s website, / […]


Coroner identifies victim in fatal car accident

Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has released the identity of the driver killed in the single-car accident that happened on Corley Mill Road near Woodmill Road at approximately 12:48 p.m. on Sunday.  Fisher states that Kathryn B. Ellison of Leesville was killed when the vehicle she was operating ran off the road and hit a tree. […]