Woman dies after multi-vehicle collision on Lake Murray Boulevard
January 12, 2024||Comments Off on Woman dies after multi-vehicle collision on Lake Murray Boulevard|NEWS, Social Media
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher has identified the individual who died in a multi-
vehicle accident in the 1300 block of Lake Murray Blvd in the Irmo area of Lexington County at
approximately 10:20 p.m., Thursday.
According to Fisher, Ms. Jennifer Brooke Wingate, 34, of Columbia was traveling westbound on
Lake Murray Blvd when she was struck from behind by another vehicle. Ms. Wingate was transported to
an area hospital where she was later pronounced dead due to the injuries she sustained in the accident.
An autopsy is scheduled for Monday, January 15, at MUSC in Charleston. The Irmo Police Department and the Lexington County Coroner’s Office continue to investigate the