What is required to become a West Columbia Police Officer?

Finding the highest-quality officers for the West Columbia Police department takes an effort.
“We advertise on Facebook, Linked-in, and INDEED.com for recruits,” said WCPD Assistant Police Chief Scott Morrison. “A vast majority of the search nowadays involves online advertising.”
The WCPD also looks for applicants at career fairs at venues including the University of South Carolina. “We’re doing what we can to bolster our foot patrol,” said Morrison.
In the 2018-2019 fiscal year, the West Columbia Police Department created a recruitment program to meet the growing need for qualified applicants. Potential officers can also go to the city’s website at: https://westcolumbiasc.gov/employment/
The initiative includes increased starting salaries and incentives for officers already on the force.
“We implemented a new rank called Master Patrol Officer, said Morrison. He said WCPD officers can apply for the rank, that includes a five-percent pay increase, after five-and-a-half years on the force. The new designation is between patrol officer first class, and corporal. To qualify, the officer must pass an exam.
The WCPD has added two new patrol officers in the last two weeks. They joined the department after interviewing, including a meeting with Police Chief Dennis Tyndall, and passing a background check.

A lot of the first week is spent with the human resources department. The new personnel then begins training, which involves getting acclimated to the surroundings of the community. Morrison said new recruits also help out existing WCPD staff by assisting investigations. That involves tracking down information related to open cases.
“The new personnel is there to save some of the leg work for our detectives,” said Morrison. “It helps them orient themselves, too.”
All of the preliminary time in the new job comes as officers wait to enter the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. “There is a five-month wait right now for them to go the criminal justice academy,” said Morrison.
The West Columbia Police Department is growing like almost all law enforcement agencies in the state. According to state-based data there are more than 10,000 men and women working as police and sheriff’s patrol officers in South Carolina.
The requirements to become a police officer are set by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Training Council. The WCPD has its standards, too. State requirements stipulate that South Carolina police officers must have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Other requirements include: be at least 21 years of age; be a United States citizen and provide either birth record or naturalization papers.

To certify as a police officer in South Carolina, candidates must successfully complete a number of exams both prior to and during law enforcement officer training. All law enforcement agencies in South Carolina require applicants to complete exams for mental and physical fitness, including basic psychological profiles and the Physical Agility Test. Cognitive ability tests, include reading and writing skills tests.
The qualification process includes ensuring that candidates are of good character and do not have any prior criminal histories. In keeping with this, all prospective sworn law enforcement officers must pass a background check. It includes a fingerprint criminal history check through both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED.)
Police officer candidates also undergo a check for prior felony and misdemeanor convictions, driving history, and any history of drug and alcohol abuse, among other background qualifications.
Other requirements may include a credit check; and oral interview.
“Being a police officer in West Columbia, or anywhere in the state, is a demanding job,” said Morrison. “To qualify, you must be prepared.”