West Columbia’s Savage Craft Ale Works is a “game-changer” in River District, developer gives some details

Commercial activity is on the increase in West Columbia. And last week plans for the of Savage Craft Ale Works were announced.
The brewery, scheduled to open in late Spring 2019, will be in the Brookland Fire Station/City Hall building that was built in 1925, at 430 Center Street.
A spokesperson for the core investor group developing the project said the group is made up of veterans. The spokesperson also divulged some of the details about the operation.
The first floor of the city hall building, about 1,600-sq.-ft, will contain the tap room. The second floor will be a private dining and meeting space. The brewing equipment, that is being constructed in Loris with US steel, will be visible via overlook, in a yet-to-be-built structure beside the Old City Hall. There will also be a stairway to a rooftop gathering spot.
Product-wise, the initial intent is to perfect the ale that is brewed on-site. Some kegs of the product could be prepared to be distributed locally, with the possibility for broader distribution, later.
There will be a trademark brand, available daily, and experimentation with other recipes of craft ale.
In addition to the old city hall and jail, a building of about 2,000-sq-ft. – for a restaurant and catering service – will be included in the complex. It will be on the Meeting Street side of the property.
The complex will extend, via walkway, to a public area on Meeting Street where there is parking and the proposed art park.
Councilman Tem Miles represents District Four, where the brewery is being developed. He said the venture is an exciting component of the revitalization of West Columbia, and an example of the city’s effort to accommodate business.

“The city had the vision to put in zoning ahead of this extraordinary and attractive project,” said Miles. “By adopting an artisan manufacturing ordinance, that removed restrictive regulatory hurdles for innovative businesses, it paved the way for opportunities like the brewery.”
West Columbia City Administrator Brian Carter explained the process that lured the business.
“The mayor and city council have led the initiative to hold the City of West Columbia’s standards high, while removing as much bureaucracy as possible. They have created a culture in city hall that is responsive and receptive to new ideas and opportunities,” said Carter. “City hall staff stands at the ready to assist anyone wanting to invest in this community and locate a business in the City of West Columbia.”
West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton said the brewery is an important addition and explained why city leaders work with prospects.

“Our staff meets with people who want to invest in West Columbia,” said Horton. “We do whatever we can to make sure that the process moves forward if it is an enterprise that is advantageous to the West Columbia community.”
Not only is the atmosphere good, so is the timing.
Developer shares details of West Columbia’s Savage Craft Ale Works project
“The interest in West Columbia from business prospects is red hot right now,” said Bill Mooneyhan, a member of the West Columbia Planning Commission. “I’m thrilled Savage Craft Ale Works is coming. It’s a game-changer for the Center Street area. And it’s a great use for the old City Hall and jail. It’s a perfect fit.”
Horton said aside from being an appropriate use, the brewery is unique.
“It is classic architecture in West Columbia. Not just anyone has the ability and the inclination to take on such an important project. “We’re thankful to see this happening,” said Horton. “I’m glad that our city is forward-thinking and business-friendly and put a priority on getting this done.
Horton also said city officials do their homework and evoke a sense of confidence from investors. Because of that, he anticipates more opportunities for growth will come. The brewery spokesperson agreed. “West Columbia is prime to see a lot more businesses come in,” the spokesperson said.