West Columbia’s Police Officers are celebrated by West Columbia City Council, and their colleagues 

The job of a law enforcement officer is demanding. In West Columbia, they show appreciation for the officers and staff of the WCPD.

West Columbia Police Department officers and support personnel are recognized at the West Columbia Police Department’s Annual Banquet in December. Officers are also recognized quarterly at the West Columbia City Council meetings. West Columbia Police Chief Marion Boyce explains why recognizing his team is essential.  

“You can show up and do your job, but we want to recognize those who go above and beyond the call of duty,” said Boyce. “Officers and their families make a lot of sacrifices. We ask a lot of them.”

“We have the banquet in December to recognize the Officer of the Year, Rookie of the Year, and Civilian of the Year,” said Boyce. “The Officer of the Quarter recognition at council meetings is an additional way to recognize our officers throughout the year and to keep our elected officials informed of the dedication of our team.”

Boyce also said the Officer of the Quarter is nominated by a committee of their peers and co-workers. Often, off-duty officers come to the Officer of the Quarter presentation because they want to show their support for their fellow officers. It means a lot to the Officer’s family members who are recognized to be in attendance for the Officer of the Quarter Recognition. Below are the names of the officers who have been recognized in the last year. 

At the WCPD’s Annual Banquet, Sgt. Tony Taylor was named Officer of the Year, and Patrol Officer Michael Johnson was named Rookie of the Year. Tracy Sheppard was named Civilian of the Year.

Boyce said the banquet, which is sponsored by the West Columbia Police Officers’ Foundation, allows the police department “to take a moment and focus on why we do what we do.” He also thanked the family and friends who support police officers in their careers.

Below are the profiles of West Columbia Police officers who have been recognized for their leadership on a quarterly basis.  

In May, West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles, Mayor Pro-Tem Mickey Pringle, West Columbia City Council, and Assistant Chief Wade recognized Officer Dereck Lebanion, Officer Lance Wampler, and Sgt. Mike Brazell at a Special Council Meeting. Officer Lebanion’s work ethic and leadership earned him the award of Officer of the Quarter. Officer Wampler and Sgt. Brazell were recognized for their commitment to the WeCo community after taking it upon themselves to spend their own funds on paint to cover up vandalism to a West Columbia church. 

In January, Cpl. Vincent Barber was recognized at the January Special Council Meeting as Officer of the Quarter by Mayor Miles, and Chief Boyce. Cpl. Barber’s drive, work ethic, and knowledge base make him a true asset to the community that he serves. He routinely shows his commitment to the WCPD.

Sgt. Tony Taylor was recognized by Mayor Miles, City Council, and Chief Boyce at the October 2023 Special Council Meeting as WCPD’s Officer of the Quarter. Sgt. Taylor was nominated by a colleague from another shift for his “team first” mentality. Sgt. Taylor leads a shift that has shown commitment to the community. 

Chief Boyce and Mayor Pro-Tem Trevor Bedell recognized Officer Michael Johnson as Officer of the Quarter at the August 2023 West Columbia City Council meeting. Despite having been with the WCPD for only a few months, he proved himself to be one of the department’s most productive and proactive officers. 

Photos: First Row-

  • Sgt. Tony Taylor was named Officer of the Year
  • Officer Michael Johnson was named Rookie of the Year
  • Tracy Sheppard was named Civilian of the Year.

Other officers recognized

  • Officer Dereck Lebanion,
  • Officer Lance Wampler,
  • Sgt. Mike Brazell,
  • Cpl. Vincent Barber,
  • Sgt. Tony Taylor;
  • Officer Michael Johnson

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