West Columbia’s Kinetic Derby Day delivers fun and excitement on a most beautiful spring day
The sun shine was bright, Saturday, over the Fifth West Columbia Kinetic Derby Day and everyone was happy with the result.
“We’re pleased with the outcome,” said Anna Huffman, City of West Columbia Communications Director. “The Kinetic Sculpture Parade was full of creative entries, the soapbox races down Meeting Street were exciting and very competitive, and we may have had the largest crowd ever for the iMAGINE STEAM Festival on State Street. The tents were packed for most of the day.”

“It was a good event,” said Kelli Ricard, Director of Events and Publications for the City of West Columbia. She said there were two new additions this year. The trackless train, filled with joy-riders, ran all day and a giant slide at the intersection of State and Meeting streets was very popular.
West Columbia City Councilman Joseph Dickey, and his daughter Alexis, were on their fifth slide down the giant slide, before heading to the iMAGINE STEAM Festival where Parents and children gathered under the tents provided by companies, schools, and nonprofits to participate in hands-on exhibits, experiments, and activities.
“Kinetic Derby Day is a marquee event for West Columbia,” Dickey said. “I’m very happy to see so many people coming out to enjoy our community. It’s a chance to show off the Weco River District and to let them see what West Columbia is all about. It’s been a great day.”
Kinetic Derby Day also included chalk-mural artists.
Shaina Manuel is an art teacher at Creighton Middle School in Columbia. She was also a chalk artist on Meeting Street, Saturday, for Kinetic Derby Day,
“I love to be out here with all of these people,” she said. “I feed off the crowd coming by and commenting on my art. It’s so much fun.”
Later in the afternoon, pedal-powered racers rolled down the obstacle course, also on Meeting Street, through the green Jell-O Explosion, into the Foam Surprise, and then the Water Works, before sliding to a stop in the corn.
Kinetic Derby Day ended at the Savage Craft Ale Works state where West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles donned a Batman suit and oversaw the awards ceremony for the day’s participants. Award Winners listed below:
Kinetic Sculpture Winners:
- CaddyShack – Flying WaspPrincess Peach – Regal Rowdy Regan
- Mystery Machine II – Lexington 2 Scooby Doers
- Horsin’ Around – California Dreaming
Art Car
- Gru’s Revenge – Gru’s Revenge
- Powered by Bananas – One in a minion
Adult Need for Speed
- Strike 3 – Bad Company
Obstacle Course
- Once in a Minion – Double Bubble (It Aint a Lemon)
- Otis Speedster – Wrench Warrior
- Strike 3 – Bad Company
Kid’s Need for Speed (ages 8-12)
- First Place – OPTUS Flyer – OPTUS Flyer
- Second Place – SouthPaw – Weco Tigers
- Third Place – The Void – Weco Tigers
Kid’s Need for Speed (ages 13-17)
- First Place – Speedy Gonzalez – B&T Racing
- Second Place – Chris Smith for Senate 26
- Third Place – Landshark – Weco Tigers
Adult Art Car
- First Place – WheelChair Express – WheelChair Express Crew
- Second Place – 1930 Goober Uber – California Dreaming
- Third Place – Invisible Batman – Not Batman
Overall Best Themes
- Soap Box First Place – Wheely – Wheely Warriors
- Obstacle Racing First Place – Wheely – Wheely Warriors