West Columbia Youth Baseball is a sign spring is upon us

The ‘ping’ of the bat goes along with the dusting of pollen. A sure sign of spring in West Columbia is the opening of youth baseball.

West Columbia Mayor Tem Miles was at the Wilson Howard Park baseball fields again this year to throw out the first pitch on the 2025 C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball season. He was glad to be there. 

C-WC Baseball InfoC-WC Facebook page

“I look forward to the opening of the baseball season for the kids,” said Miles. “Baseball is an American pastime. And for the young people who play baseball they learn a lot. Team sports are important and it teaches them to work together.”

WCPD Chief Boyce, Councilman Mickey Pringle, Mayor Tem Miles on opening day.

West Columbia City Councilman Mickey Pringle has been a member of the C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball Board of Directors for more than seven years. His grandson, Kameron, is in the sixth grade. Kameron has played in the C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball league since he  was in T-Ball. Pringles’ granddaughter, Alana, age 3, is playing in the Pee Wee Division at Wilson Howard Park.

“Playing baseball on a team is good for children,” Pringle said. “It’s a good, wholesome way to pass time and it teaches diligence, discipline and responsibility.”

In the past few years, several C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball teams have advanced to the State Playoffs and to Youth World Series competition in other parts of the Southeast. West Columbia City Council has honored those team members with Resolutions citing their accomplishments. 

Rylan Bullis is the son of Tina and Chris Bullis.  He is a product of C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball, and so is his sister, Alysa. Rylan started as an eighth-grader on the Brookland-Cayce High School team. Alysa is in the seventh grade and she plays on the Brookland-Cayce Softball team.


“We have loved every minute of our time with C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball,” said Tina, who is a past-president of the C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball Board. Terry Hildebrand is the current Board President. Chris has coached in the league for several years. Tina said there are six varsity baseball players at Brookland-Cayce who came from the C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball program.

“It has been fun to watch these players develop and grow in C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball,” Tina said.  “Playing baseball in West Columbia sure helped make our kids more well-rounded and accountable.”
Tina said even though her kids have moved to high school teams, she and her husband are still fans of C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball.

So if you’re looking for something to do in the West Columbia spring, go over to Wilson Howard Park and take in a C-WC Diamond Youth Baseball game. It’s the timeless flavor of Americana. 

Age Ranges:

  • Wee Ball 3-4
  • Rookie Ball 5-6
  • Coach Pitch 7-8
  • Minors 9-10
  • OZone 11-12

Age cutoff is May 1st, if player turns 9 before May 1st, they are considered league age 9 so would be in Minors, for example. Registration will put player in correct age group.

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