West Columbia to address Brookland project, zoning, and annexation
The West Columbia City Council will hold its Regular Council Meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday (Dec. 1) in Council Chambers at City Hall, 200 N. 12th Street West Columbia.
Meeting agenda:
8.1. Mr. Matt Mundy with Estates, Inc., Re: Presentation on PUD Development at the Intersection of Meeting and State Streets
9. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 9.1. To Receive Legal Advice and Information Related to PUD Ordinance – Jim Meggs, Esquire (Pursuant to SC Code Section 30-4-70 (A) (2) 9.2. To Discuss Personnel Matters Related to Commission and Board Appointments (Pursuant to SC Code Section 30-4-70 (A) (1)
11.1. Second Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex .3 Acres of Property (TMS # 005737-01-013) Known as 2006 Platt Springs Road (15-ANX-07) ANNEXATION_Ordinance_15ANX-07_2006 Platt Springs 3 – 6
11.2. Second Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex a Total of .43 Acres of Property (TMS # 004617-05-024; 023 and 04-042) Known as 316, 318, and 331 Gaffney Street (15ANX-08) ANNEXATION_Ordinance_15ANX-08_316_318_331 Gaffney Street 7 – 12
11.3. Second Reading Consideration of Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Adopt an Amendment to the City of West Columbia Zoning Ordinance Regulating Food Trucks (PC15-11) PC15-11 13 – 25 Page 1 of 51
11.4. Second Reading Consideration of Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Adopt an Amendment to the City of West Columbia Zoning Ordinance Regulating Food Truck Courts (PC15-12) PC15-12 26 – 35
11.5. Second Reading Consideration of Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for .72 acres at 225 Hammond Ave West Columbia, SC (TMS# 004628-03-019 and 004628-03-025 Now Combined as One Parcel) as R2 (Medium Density Residential) (PC15-10) PC15-10 36 – 37
11.6. Second Reading Consideration of Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Adopt Amendments to Sections 709.9 and 709.10 Addressing Parking Requirements and Sign Standards for Planned Unit Developments (PUD) (PC15-13) PC15-13 38 – 39
12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1. First Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Approve a Map Amendment to Rezone Four +/- Acres at the Intersection of Meeting Street and State Street (TMS# 004647-31-002, 003, 004, 007, 010, 011, 012, and 013) from C-1 (Intensive Commercial) and C-2 (General Commercial) to PUD-C. ORDINANCE_PUD_Brookland 40 – 41
12.2. First Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex Approximately .25 Acres of Property (TMS# 004627-01-003) Known as 2213 Thornton Avenue (15ANX-09) ANNEXATION_15ANX-09_2213 Thornton Ave 42 – 45
12.3. First Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for 13.09 acres at 420 Davega Drive (TMS# 003698-01-005) as C-2 (General Commercial) (PC15-14) PC15-14 46 – 47
12.4. Consideration to Approve the Lexington County Public Safety Answering Point Agreement for 911 Call Answering and Dispatch Communications Lexington County Public Safety Answering Point Agreement for 911 Call Answering and Dispatch Communications 48 – 49
12.5. Consideration to Approve a $15,500.00 Change Order for the Cedar Road at Mineral Springs Road Waterline Relocation Project Change Order Request_110815 50 – 51
12.6. Consideration of Appointments to the West Columbia Planning Commission
12.7. Consideration of Appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals
12.8. Consideration to Reappoint the Law Firm of Setzler & Scott, PA as City Attorney for a Two-Year Term
12.9. Consideration to Reappoint Municipal Judge, Kenneth W. Ebener, Esquire for a Two-Year Term
12.10. Consideration to Reappoint City Treasurer, Justin Black, CPA, for a Two-Year Term
12.11. Consideration to Reappoint City Clerk, Kelli Ricard, for a Two-Year Term
13. Adjourn