West Columbia retailers preparing for Tax-Free Weekend, Aug. 7-9
The South Carolina Sales Tax Free Weekend is Aug. 7 thru 9.
Clothes, computers, and school supplies are on the list of items that can be bought with no sales tax.
South Carolina’s annual Sales Tax Holiday begins next Friday and lasts until Sunday.
The Sales Tax Holiday in South Carolina first started in 2000. In past years, shoppers have been exempted from between $2 million and $3 million in taxes during the weekend, according to the S.C. Department of Revenue.
In West Columbia parents and students can buy school supplies at: Walmart, Dollar General, and Family Dollar. Some retailers provide a list of common back-to-school items.
Also, due to the coronavirus crisis, check with your local retailer to see if they offer online shopping, delivery, or curbside pick-up.
If you choose to shop in-store: Check to see if there is a mask ordinance, or other guidelines. Practice social distancing and other procedures recommended by the CDC and SCDHEC to help protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
Aside from in-class supplies, shoppers will also find tax-free items for their home or dorm room.
Buddy Delaney is the owner of Best Mattress on Meeting Street in West Columbia.
“The tax-free weekend is one of our biggest weekends of the year,” said Delaney. Mattresses are not on the tax-free list on the tax-free weekend, but Delaney has cleverly worked the feature into his marketing plan.
“We don’t charge any sales tax during the tax-free weekend,” said Delaney. He said the promotion has been “very successful.” He said Best Mattress has been conducting the sale for the last five years.
“There are students coming back to school,” said Delaney. “They are moving into apartments and condos. All have to be furnished.”
In addition to housing for college students, new clothes, and shoes are a tradition that are a part of a new school year. Randall Stone, of Stone Boot Company on Meeting Street, said the tax-free weekend has an impact on his business.

“Back-to-school business is pretty good,” said Stone. “Our sales to college students are big. Boot sales are also good to high school kids.”
Other school supplies not taxed include computers, printers, software, and accessories. Musical instruments used in the classroom or at home with respect to school assignments are exempt of sales tax, too.
School supplies do not include items such as refrigerators, bicycles, tissues, hand sanitizer, and storage containers since they are not used for school assignments.
Retailers in West Columbia are preparing to serve you and take advantage of the tax-free weekend. Be sure to take advantage and save as you get ready for the 2020-2021 school year.