West Columbia Police Department gets a $10,000 donation

The West Columbia Police Department received a $10,000 donation, Wednesday- to help purchase weapons.
West Columbia Police Chief Dennis Tyndall said his officers need the same weapons the criminals have. To buy AR-15 rifles, David Arnold gave the department $10,000.
“We need the same level of firepower,” Tyndall said. With Arnold’s contribution, the WCPD can buy 11 AR-15 rifles, and double the number of those weapons it has currently.
Arnold was a police officer for 25 years. He retired from the Columbia Police Department two years ago, he said. He said he will become a West Columbia resident soon. And because of his years of service, he knows what officers can face on patrol.
“Society is changing the way we police,” Arnold said, adding that “first responders need the necessary equipment.”
Tyndall said he hopes Arnold’s donation will have a domino effect and spur more giving to the police department. so all personnel can be adequately equipped.