West Columbia Police Chief Marion Boyce Gives Safety Recommendations for Halloween – See a list of Trunk-or-Treat events
Halloween is Thursday, Oct. 31. It’s an exciting time for children who are anticipating treats. But safety should be a priority according to West Columbia Police Chief Marion Boyce. because there are lots of kids out on the streets on Halloween night and that increases the need to pay attention.

“We encourage drivers to take safety precautions,” Boyce said. “Motorists should turn on their headlights earlier so their vehicles will be more visible to kids who may be out early to begin Trick-or-Treating. Also, when you are backing out of your driveway, make sure you look first. Be especially careful and on the lookout for pedestrians.”
Chief Boyce also said the WCPD will be more vigilant, too.
“We will have a couple extra units out, in addition to our regular number of patrol units,” said Boyce. “They will be out just for Halloween.”
Boyce also offered some safety tips to Trick-or-Treaters: “Be aware of vehicle traffic, of course, stay out of the way of moving cars,” he said. “And children should have an adult with them. Don’t let your child go out alone.”
Trick-or-Treaters should wear bright-colored clothes and carry a flashlight or glow stick with you so you can be seen more easily. Boyce said it is important to be cautious and parents should walk their child to the door and don’t let them go inside.
He also advised inspecting the candy given to kids on Halloween. Make sure none of it has been re-wrapped. If anything looks suspicious or like it’s been tampered with; if it looks out of place, don’t eat it.
Boyce recommended Safe Kids Worldwide (click here for a link) as an online resource that outlines precautions for kids on Halloween. Below are some safety tips from that site:
- Carry glow sticks or flashlights, use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags, and wear light colors to help kids see and be seen by drivers.
- Slow down and be alert! Kids are excited on Halloween and may dart into the street. Turn on headlights early in the day to spot kids from further away.
- Remind kids to cross the street at corners or crosswalks.
- When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls.
- Choose face paint over masks when possible. Masks can limit children’s vision.
In addition to door-to-door trick or treating, there are Trunk-or-Treat opportunities in West Columbia. See below:
- The Sixth Annual Cayce-West Columbia Diamond Youth Baseball Trunk or Treat is from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1 at Howard Park behind Northside Middle School and Riverbank Elementary School, off of Sunset Blvd. in West Columbia.
- Mt. Hebron UMC Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat is from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Oct. 27. It’s on Leaphart Road West Columbia. Wear your costume – not too scary please. There will be a Cake Walk; Door Prizes; Inflatables; Vendors; and Corn dogs and snacks for $1.
- Dunn’s Chapel Harvest Fest is from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 31. Fun for the whole family with hot dogs, corn dogs, games and hayrides. 281 Chapel Rd. West Columbia
Lots of activity for Halloween in West Columbia. So be sure to make plans to visit one of the many Trunk-or-Treat events being presented for you to enjoy.