West Columbia Planning Commission to meet Monday
- September 26, 2016 at 6 p.m.City Hall – 200 N. 12th StreetWest Columbia, SC 29169AgendaOpen Public HearingA map amendment to establish the zoning classification of R–2(Medium Density Residential) for .16 acres of property at 343 GaffneyStreet (TMS# 004617-04-044).A map amendment to establish the zoning classification of LM (LightManufacturing) for a total of 3.64 acres of property at 100 CorporateBlvd (TMS# 004599-10-047).A map amendment to establish the zoning classification for therecently annexed area commonly known as the US 1 Corridor. Therecommended zoning classifications for the area include RS (SingleFamily Residential) R4 (Single Family Residential), C-2 (GeneralCommercial) C-3 (Restricted Commercial) LM (Light Manufacturing)HM (Heavy Manufacturing).NEW BUSINESSPC 16-28 Consideration of a map amendment to establish the zoningclassification of R-2 (Medium Density Residential) for .16 acres ofproperty at 343 Gaffney Street (TMS# 004617-04-044).PC 16-29 Consideration of a map amendment to establish the zoningclassification of LM (Light Manufacturing) for a total of 3.64 acres ofproperty at 100 Corporate Blvd (TMS# 004599-10-047).PC 16-30 Consideration of a map amendment to establish the zoningclassification for the recently annexed area commonly known as theUS 1 Corridor. The recommended zoning classifications for the areainclude RS (Single Family Residential) R4 (Single Family Residential),(General Commercial) C-3 (Restricted Commercial) LM (LightManufacturing) HM (Heavy Manufacturing).