West Columbia passes $1.6 million bond issue to fix AC and expand WCPD evidence room, after spirited discussion
West Columbia City Council passed first reading of a bond issue ordinance plan that would allow the City of West Columbia to borrow $1.6 million. The money would be used to replace the heating and air conditioning system at City Hall and to expand the West Columbia Police Department’s over-filled evidence room.
The 6-1 vote to approve the bond issue came after a 20-minute discussion regarding details of the plan.
Councilman David Moye said he wanted to see more specifics about the replacement and construction plan. Mayor Tem Miles told Moye that council has seen the plans. Moye said the plans have “deviated” and he wanted to make sure there would be oversight of the plan as it evolved.
At one point in the discussion, Councilman Joseph Dickey said that Moye’s characterization of the process was “inaccurate.” He also said the plan should be discussed in a “mature and accurate way.”
Councilman Mike Green, the only “no” vote, raised the question of a tax increase being implemented to fund the projects. City Administrator Brian Carter said the project is revenue neutral, meaning there would be no tax increase imposed to fund it.
Carter also said he has answered all questions posed to him regarding the project and he will keep all of council informed of the plan as it moves forward. If the funding passes final approval, funds would likely be received by February and work to replace the HVAC system and expand the evidence room would begin after that.