West Columbia offers new grant programs to promote business, growth

The Façade Improvement Grant has been designed to encourage enhancement and investment for the overall revitalization of West Columbia. Grant funds from this program will finance exterior improvements to commercial buildings that will be aesthetically pleasing and complimentary to local design guidelines inside of the Gateway Overlay District, which consists of portions of Meeting Street, Jarvis Klapman Boulevard, Sunset Boulevard, and State Street. The grant provides for a one-time reimbursement, up to $10,000 maximum, per building.
The City of West Columbia has developed a Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Grant Program to assist existing Food Service Industries who need to upgrade existing equipment in order to comply with new EPA Standards. The grant provides up to $5,000 in reimbursable funds to finance up-to-date, appropriate sized, grease traps or interceptors, helping to offset some of the costs of the upgrades for business owners. The grant will be administered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The Home Depot Foundation Grant is providing the construction of handicap accessible ramps for disabled citizens with the focus on disabled veterans. This is a one-time grant program filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Grants Administrator Tara Greenwood said, “We’re excited to offer these funds and services, and encourage our businesses and homeowners to take advantage of the programs.”
To apply for a grant and for more information, visit the City’s website: www.westcolumbiasc.gov/grant-