West Columbia lights up its Christmas Tree
The City of West Columbia held its 12th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting on Friday at the West Columbia

Municipal Complex on the corner of North 12th Street and Jarvis Klapman Boulevard. West Columbia Mayor Bobby Horton read a Christmas greeting to all. Lexington 2 students read Christmas essays- and student art from London Huffman was featured on the Tree Lighting Ceremony program.
The program will included Christmas carols, greetings and the lighting of the West Columbia Christmas Tree. Student choirs from Pineview Elementary School and Brookland-Cayce High School performed holiday classics, as well as, the River Bluff High School Steel Drum Band. Radio and television personality Joe Pinner was master of ceremonies. Pastor Dow Welsh from Holland Avenue Baptist Church and Reverend Kenneth Taylor of Turner Memorial AME Church also spoke at the event. Click on photos below to enlarge: