West Columbia Goodwill to break ground next Tuesday
There will be a groundbreaking for the new West Columbia Goodwill location at 2119 Sunset Blvd., at 10 a.m. on

Tuesday, Sept. 15. scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10 a.m.
Crystal Hardesty, director of marketing and PR for Goodwill Industries of Upstate/Midlands SC, announced the groundbreaking Wednesday morning.
Hardesty included some “facts” about the store:
· The facility will be approximately 35,200 square feet.
· It will include a Goodwill retail store, a Goodwill outlet store, and a Goodwill Job Connection, as well as a drive-through donation center.
· Plans are to employ about 30 people at this location; 22 are new positions.

· GPN Architects designed the building and Hood Construction will be building it.