West Columbia credit union robbed, suspect’s image released

The West Columbia Police Department is requesting assistance from the community in locating a suspect that robbed the South Carolina Federal Credit Union, located at 109 N 12th St. in West Columbia at approximately 11:45 a.m. Friday.
Chief Tyndall stated “ at approximately 11:45 a.m. this morning a black male 5’8”-10”, 160-180 lbs., 25-30 years old entered the bank and told the teller to empty the drawer. The suspect had a white plastic bag with him. He had a black and white sock on his right hand. He did not present a weapon at the time of the Robbery. We do not believe that he got any money from the bank.”
The suspect was wearing a green shirt with white shorts, white ankle socks and green and white shoes of some type. The suspect left the bank on foot and it is believed he got into a white Ford SUV. The first three letters of the tag were possibly LAR.
Anyone with any information about this incident is asked to contact the West Columbia Police Department at 794-0721 or Crimestoppers at 888-CRIME-SC. (This release is from Capt. Scott Morrison of the West Columbia Police Department.)