West Columbia City Councilwoman Erin Porter reflects on first year in office

West Columbia City Councilwoman Erin Porter has been in office for a little over a year. In that time she has settled into her role.
“I’ve enjoyed getting to know the city staff,” said Porter who represents Dist. 7. From the police department and fire department personnel, to the people who make city hall run, Porter said she has been impressed.
“We have a bright team, and I’m really happy to be a part of that team,” she said.
Some of the votes Porter mentioned involved passing the city’s budget. It included funding for more firefighters. But Porter said it was important to get firefighters who are also certified as paramedics.
Porter also said the city’s recruitment and retention plan, included in the budget, for police officers is important.
“We needed a plan to be competitive with regional salaries,” Porter said.
Porter said she is the mot impressed with the city’s plan to upgrade and enhance specific sections of West Columbia.
The redevelopment proposal put together by the planning firm RMA will incorporate public art, business upgrades, streetscapes, facade improvements, and housing improvements for West Columbia. The goal of the plan is to increase community involvement and spur economic development.
RMA comprised its assessment of the city’s needs after talking to people who have businesses and a vested interest in West Columbia.
“The RMA plan is vital,” Porter said. She said it’s especially to important to address development in Triangle City, which she referred to as “the heart of the city.” A proposed Tax Increment Financing (or TIF) for the area “is something we need,” said Porter.
Porter also mentioned a four-year phased plan to replace old water lines in areas of the city, beginning with Saluda Gardens. She also said council is unified and works well together and the city is poised for growth and development.