West Columbia City Councilman Tem Miles in Dist. 89 House race

West Columbia City Councilman Tem Miles announces he is running for District 89 SC House Seat.
With Miles in the race it bring the number of candidate to four. Bill Banning, Micah Caskey and Billy Oswald are also running for the seat.
Miles – who represents District 4 on city council- was re-elected in November 2015. He has opened a Website and a Facebook Page announcing his candidacy for the House Seat. Miles Facebook Page link
The District 89 seat is being vacated by eight-term House member Kenny Bingham of Cayce.
Miles is an attorney at the law firm of McKay, Cauthen, Settana & Stubley where he practices in civil defense law. Prior to joining The McKay Firm, Tem was the Attorney for the Office of Senate Research in the South Carolina Senate.