West Columbia City Council to meet Tuesday at 6 p.m.
West Columbia City Council Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 2, at 6 p.m.
200 N. 12th Street
West Columbia
Mr. Justin Black, City Treasurer/Assistant City Administrator, Re: The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Awarded to the City of West Columbia
Mr. Marquis Solomon, Chief of Operations, West Columbia Fire Department, Re: Award of a Firefighter Grant for Bunker Gear in the Amount of $34,287
Walking Eagle Burr, 212 Augusta Street, Re: Fireworks Ordinance
Ms. Rebecca Richardson, President, Bridgepointe Condominiums, Board of Directors, 100 Sunset Boulevard, Re: Riverwalk
Adopt_2015_International_Building_Codes_July_2016Second Reading Consideration to Approve an Ordinance to Amend Title 5, Chapter 2 of the West Columbia Code of Ordinances in Order to Adopt the 2015 International Building Codes
PC 16-17 317 Guilford Street Council AnalysisSecond Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for .14 Acres of Property at 317 Guilford Street (TMS# 004617-05-010) as R-2 (Medium Density Residential)
PC 16-18 335 Gaffney Street Council AnalysisSecond Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for .15 Acres of Property at 335 Gaffney Street (TMS# 004617-04-043) as R-2 (Medium Density Residential)
PC 16-19 309 Guilford Street Council AnalysisSecond Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for .14 Acres of Property at 309 Guilford Street (TMS# 004617-05-012) as R-2 (Medium Density Residential)
PC 16-20 1702 Holland Street Council AnalysisSecond Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for .15 Acres of Property at 1702 Holland Street (TMS# 004617-06-015) as R-2 (Medium Density Residential)
PC 16-21 2002 Platt Springs Road Council AnalysisSecond Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for .3 Acres of Property at 2002 Platt Springs Road (TMS# 5737-01-014) as C-2 (General Commercial)
PC 16-22 1642 and 1644 Joye Street Council AnalysisSecond Reading Consideration of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Establish the Zoning Classification for a Total of .26 Acres of Property at 1642 Joye Street and 1644 Joye Street (TMS# 004617-04-022 and 004617-04-023) as R-2 (Medium Density Residential)
Discussion of Legal Matters Related to an April 2016 Sanitary Survey and a June 2016 Water Standard Exceedance Notice Received from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and Response (Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-70 (A) (2) – Belton Zeigler, Esquire
Discussion of Legal and Contractual Matters Related to Lexington County Joint Municipal Water and Sewer Commission (Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-70 (A) (2) – Belton Zeigler, Esquire
Discussion of Legal and Contractual Matters Pertaining to the Brookland Development (Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 30-4-70 (A) (2) – Mike Tighe, Esquire
Consideration to Approve a Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for City Parking Facilities Related to the Brookland Development
Consideration to Approve a Development Contract between Brookland Village, LLC. and the City of West Columbia
Upon Returning to Open Session, Council May Take Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
RESOLUTION_Publishing Annexation Election Results and Publish Notice of Intent to Annex_2016Consideration to Approve a Resolution Publishing Annexation Election Results and Publishing Notice of Intent to Annex for the Recent Highway One Corridor Annexation Election Held on July 26, 2016, where a Majority of the Electors Voted in Favor of the Annexation – Mr. William “BJ” Unthank, Director of Economic Development
ANNEXATION_ Hwy 1 Corridor FOR 25% PETITION-ELECTION METHOD_16ANX12 _2016First Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex all those Certain Pieces, Tracts, Parcels, or Lots of Land, with any Improvements Thereon, Situate, Lying and Being in the County of Lexington, the State of South Carolina, and Includes Areas from Leaphart Road at Augusta Road Westward Toward Wattling Road at Augusta Road, and for this Petition is Generally Known as the Highway One Corridor Annexation Area (16ANX-12) – Mr. William “BJ” Unthank, Director of Economic Development
ANNEXATION_ 343 Gaffney St_ANX-13_2016First Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex .16 Acre of Property (TMS # 004617-04-044) Known as 343 Gaffney Street (16ANX-13) – Mr. William “BJ” Unthank, Director of Economic Development
ANNEXATION_100 Corporate Blvd_16ANX-14_2016First Reading Consideration of an Ordinance to Annex 3.64 Acres of Property (TMS # 004599-10-036) Known as 100 Corporate Blvd (16ANX-14) – Mr. William “BJ” Unthank, Director of Economic Development
Poke Monday Flyer Consideration to Approve the Extension of Riverwalk Park Hours on Monday Nights until 10:00 p.m. for “Pokè Mondays” at the West Columbia Riverwalk Amphitheater – Ms. Anna Huffman, Director of Information Technology/PIO
House of Raeford MemorandumConsideration to Accept $45,000 in “C” Funds from Lexington County, and Authorizing the City Administrator to Negotiate a Contract Agreement with the House of Raeford Authorizing the City to Manage the HAWK Pedestrian Crossing System Project – Ms. Tara Greenwood, Grants Administrator
Consideration to Approve an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services and to Resume Work Related to the Laurel Road Ground Storage Tank Improvements and Water Storage Tanks Inspection